Cellulite During Pregnancy

You expected the bigger breasts. You knew about the out-of-control hormones. And the morning sickness didn’t come as any surprise. But nobody told you about the additional cellulite that makes an appearance during your pregnancy. There are some things in pregnancy that you can deal with and others that you can’t. If you’re like most women, then cellulite is on your "can’t" list.

Cottage Cheese and Dimples
While some people may like to call cellulite by a cutesy name like "fat dimples," you know that cellulite is anything but cute. While unpleasant, the appearance of waffled skin on the back of your thighs, on your hips and buttocks is a perfectly normal part of being a woman. But just what is cellulite? Basically, cellulite is a build up of fat deposits. When you gain weight (as every woman does during pregnancy), the fat cells under your skin become bigger and create the orange peel look on your body.

Interestingly, the term cellulite is actually not a medical one. It was coined back in 1973 by the spa and salon industry. According to the medical industry, though, cellulite is simply normal body fat deposits.

Thanks Mom
The causes of cellulite tend to vary according to who you are talking to. If it is your doctor, then the reason behind cellulite is simply excess weight, poor diet and/or lack of exercise. When you’re at your local spa, however, then you are likely to be informed that, in addition to a build up of fat, cellulite is caused by water retention, poor circulation and possibly even toxins in your body.

Regardless of the cellulite cause, one thing is for certain: women get it far more often than men. This is due to the difference in the way fat, muscle and connective tissues are distributed in women and men. Moreover, your genes as well as the thickness of your skin play a large role in determining just how much cellulite shows up on your body. And if you rarely exercise and eat a poor diet, then you can bet your anti-cellulite cream that you’ll have some cellulite to contend with.

Fight Cellulite; Feel Great
The number one question on a woman’s mind when she sees cellulite: "How do I get rid of cellulite?" While we’re all looking for the miracle cellulite cure that will forever free our beautiful bodies of the vile invader, there is unfortunately no permanent cellulite remedy available.

Table of Contents
1. Cellulite During Pregnancy
2. Goodbye cellulite
3. Cellulite Reduction
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I had noticeable cellulitis emerge after pregnancy, which I wanted to get rid of immediately since young mums should look beautiful. It only took me one month to achieve the desirable result with NIVELE. The application method is very simple, spreading it gently on problematic areas a few times a day, so it wasn’t troublesome. The effect has been visible for half a year already, but if the problem surfaces again, I’ll sure know how to fight it.
6 years ago