| Lis - November 21 |
this is my first pregnancy so I am learning alot! Someone at work asked me if I had any braxtin hicks contractions.....can anyone explain to me what that is?
it's the tightening of your abdomen when your having a false contraction...it usually isn't painful..and it usually stays hard for about 30 seconds. they usually start when you are about 7 months pregnant..good luck
I started having them very early...before my 5th month...and yes they are usually not painful but can last up to 2 min long...a braxton hicks contraction is your body preparing itself for labor...most woman get them, but not all woman...good luck
Is it normal to get them about once an hour? I'm 8 1/2 months and I get them a lot. I've been getting them since about 5 months.
Should I be getting them so often?
Deanna at 8 1/2 months I would say that it is ok...though I'm not a doc...Have you contacted your ob and talked to them about it...I am only 5 months and I get them all the time...as long as you are not having pain...you should be ok...your body is right on target and is getting ready for your baby to come out...good luck
Hi Christine, I've told my doctor and he said it was normal... and since there is no pain I shouldn't be worried. It's just that I get them so much, so many times a day, especially if I move the "wrong" way, and I can't EVER get out of bad without getting them. Oh well, part of the territory, I guess.
Last Wed night, I experienced a bit of bleeding and was given MC for Thurs &
Fri. I was quite worried that the bleeding may continue, but thank god it
stopped after Thursday morning. I went to the gynae who did an internal
examination and cleaned the rest of the blood still inside, then they
monitored the baby's heart beat for 20 mins. I constantly experience
Braxton Hicks a few times a day. Initially I did not know what it was,
until the machine which monitored the baby's hearbeat also recorded
contractions I experienced. Then only did I know that that feeling was
contractions. Is it normal to experience it so frequently?
Everyone is different...I go through periods where I experience them a lot...and then not at all...I'm sure you are fine...and the doc must have seen them when she/he monitored you...if there was a problem she/he would of said something...as long as they are not painful everything should be fine...good luck
It is when you have tightning in the adomen and they are not painful and sometimes you can walk them out
this is my first pregnancy and i am 4 months pregnant and even though my sicness has reduced my belly is getting a little bigger but i don't really feel anything else is this quite normal.
i have them all the time and they last for a long period of time. but when i go tothe doctor they never happen.
I'm 19 weeks w/ my 2nd child. I had them alot w/ my first. And they have just started up again. Just a few a day right now. The dr. said if I'm having more than 4 an hour to call the office. In this case they could be dangerous because they can encourage dialation of the cervix. Which is exactly what happened in my case w/ my first. After 2 weeks of bed rest my son was born at 36 weeks. Thankfully he was healthy. I am just hoping it doesn't happen again. Take care of yourselves!!
When I get bh contractions I feel them first in my chest like it feels kind of tight and hard to take a breath and then my heart will palpitate. Anyone els get this?
to mariah: yes, thats exactly what happens to me when i get them.
I had braxtin hicks last night for hte first time. I just had s_x and then started getting them from 2-5am.. every 20 minutes for about 35 sec each. I am 38 1/2 weeks .. how do i know the difference now if i go into real labour???
Can you get them in just certain spots in you stomach? I get tight tingling sensations in patches. Only once have I had my whole stomach feel this way.
| a - October 13 |
braxton hicks contractions are normal contractions that are similar to labor contractions and are a way to help get your body ready for labor.