Returning To Work Baby Won T Take Bottle PLEASE HELP

5 Replies
paullover - December 23

Hi...I am returning to work in a little over a week and my 3 month old daughter is refusing the bottle. I was able to get her to take 2 bottle a couple of weeks ago and back when she was 5 weeks old. But now she won't take it. I am dreading the fact that I might just have to take her off the br___t cold turkey and the thought of her screaming for it until she gets used to the bottle is stressing me out. Has anybody else had this problem and have any suggestions. Thank you!


ginger6363 - January 8

oh, goodness. I am sorry. I have heard that if the baby wont eat at daycare, then she'll compensate and b___stfeed all night. Other than letting her cry it out and eat when she's good and ready I don't know what to say. I was worried about this myself and started having hubby give one bottle a day starting at 6 wks. This worked for me, she's 4 months, in daycare and takes a bottle fine now. Have you tried having someone other than you give the bottle? Or try facing her away from you while you feed her the bottle. This way she is looking out at things around her and maybe distracted into eating. My dd likes to take her bottle looking out the window.


gwdcota - May 3

Yes I'd say look for a work at home job to stay with that baby. Visit advancingwithus dot com/kr245955 YOu can make great and not worry about going back to work. Would love to talk with you.


clindholm - May 5

They say to try having someone else give the baby the bottle. If it's you, they won't take it b/c they know you have the good stuff.


mama4andmore - May 7

I had the same problem with my 4th baby. I didn't go back to work, he wouldnt eat for anyone else. He also hated the bottle I gave him. I did a lot of research about it also. Try using a bottle that is more natural like a b___st. I also boiled the nipples to help soften them so my DH could feed him during the night! The best that worked for us was So, Soothie and Doctor Browns bottles. Eventually he wouldn't take my b___st anymore so I had to quite. I know it is very frustrating though, but play around with different bottles and nipples. If your daycare is close enough maybe on your lunch break you could go feed! Just don't givev up b___stfeeding is really great


mama4andmore - May 7

What others are saying also about having someone else bottle feed her sounds good also. You should try not to bottle feed the baby but also have someone else do it. I don't know if you were perfume often either, but if you do you might use a special blanket to have the people at daycare feed her and spray some of your perfume on the blanket. I know it sounds silly, but babies know the way their mamas smell. it might help to trick her a lil.



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