18 And Need Some Guidance Please

1 Replies
looking for guidance - July 15

I'm 18 years old and I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months. We had a pregnancy scare about 2 months ago and since then, I haven't been able to get the idea of having a baby out of my head. I want one SO badly. He also wants one, but we both know it's better if we wait. We are planning on getting engaged in a year and married in two. After that, we were going to have a baby about a year later. (We'll be able to live on his income alone so I'll be able to stay with the baby whenever I'm not in class...after I get out of college, I probably won't be home as much so we want to have a baby while I'm in school.) Anyway, that was our plan but I just can't seem to stop thinking about having a baby now. I know if we did have one now, I would never regret it. We would be able to support it and have time for it and everything. I guess what I'm looking for is for people to tell me what the advantages are of waiting for another 3 years rather than having one now. I really need help putting this desire to have a baby on the back burner because I'm trying to do the more responsible thing. I really appreciate any comments.


HW - July 17

Hello, well i am also 18 i just got married to the man i have dated 5 years we have been married 3 months and before we planned everything and we also thought we had enough money on just his check but when we moved and actually got our on place we were wondering were the extra cash went that we thought we would have i now have to work so we will have a little extra to have some fun but now i think i am pregnant, its too soon to tell. All i can say is please be sure you are ready because you cant really think of yourself when it comes to something like that you have to think of the baby because its his life. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you have many happy years with your boyfriend!!!



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