Breastfeeding My 5 Month Baby Boy

2 Replies
Mummzie - January 21

My little Jonny is 5 months old and seems to have lost intrest in feeding. Every time I feed he fusses and wont latch on. It always ends up in tears and finaly he gives in and starts to drink, but only for a few minutes. Could any one help? How long should he feed? Dose anyone have any great ideas on how I can make this a wonderful experiance again.


HappinessIsHugs - August 4

This is the age when they start to try out solid food (or mush), and maybe he wants to try something else. Some kids move to solids quickly, others want to b___stfeed forever. It really depends on his personality. If he is crying, he might still be hungry after he nurses. If you give him some rice slush or even formula from a bottle, and then nurse after that, he may nurse for comfort once his tummy is full.


qiaraau - July 9

Maybe there wasn't any milk to latch on or it is a sign that he wants to try new milk. Don't lose hope weaning is a stage of every mom and baby's out there. It just happened too fast for your baby. Observe your baby even more and try formulated milk while breastfeeding and ask for the opinion of your pediatrician. 



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