Continuing Breastfeeding

3 Replies
Karen - May 31

I just found out I am pregnant. Currently I have been br___tfeeding my 9 month old. Can I continue br___tfeeding him or should I stop right away?


Kim - May 30

I heard you can keep b___stfeeding, but if b___st milk adjusts to the age of the baby, maybe you should check with your doctor about continuing after the new baby is born (if you choose to that long) Good Luck!


Chris - May 30

I've been researching this myself. You can continue to b___stfeed, but make sure you are getting enough calories and vitamins. Pediatricians vary on this topic, but in many countries, it is the norm to b___stfeed through the next pregnancy, if your baby doesn't wean herself or your milk supply doesn't get low. Try for more info.


Shelly - May 31

I brestfed all the way through my second pregnancy. It was not a problem at all. You might want resd the book "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" and get in touch with La Leche League. They can be helpful in finding good information.



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