OB GYN Who Agree To Perform Elective C Section In Toronto

1 Replies
Sori - February 9

I have a rare condition consisting of transient monocular blindness triggered by sustained physical and/or mental effort. I have been getting up to 3 episodes per month since I was a teenager and I am now 25 years old. All imaging studies and other tests turned out normal. For lack of a better diagnosis, it seems this is a rare type of migraine, called retinal migraine. No treatment works and a neurologist did warn me once about the general increased risk of vascular events in migraineurs with visual symptoms. Anyway, my husband and I are trying to have a baby, and I am very worried about the risk of vascular events during pregnancy and in particular during childbirth. Excessive physical effort always triggers a blindness attack for me (the more intense the effort, the longer the attack). In light of the above, I want to have a planned C-section. I know it’s hard to find a doctor who would perform an elective C-section in Canada, but I also heard it’s not impossible. If any of you ladies have chosen an elective cesarean and gave birth in Toronto, I would appreciate if you could forward me the name of the OB/GYN who agreed to do it. Thank you for your help. Sori


Dizzylizzy2018 - April 24

Have you had any luck finding an OB to preform an elective cesarean?  



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