Umbilicord Cord

83 Replies
Kath - February 2

Hi guys - just another update, I have now had 2 ultrasounds and both have shown that the heart and kidneys (which are the most likely sites of abnormalities) appear just fine. Thank you Nikki for your story of yet another healthy SUA baby. I'm sure the doctor will tell you that the toilet issue is nothing to do with SUA and that it will resolve itself in time. My cousin had a similar problem as a child and he is just fine now, in that area and all others. Wolfin, thanks for your input. Are you a doctor or a health professional? I agree that perhaps some doctors do not advise patients of issues like this, however I can also see from my own research on the net (the articles did not go over my head, I can a__sure you) and from further consultation with my doctor and others who have been diagnosed with SUA, that is is a problem sometimes, but many SUA babies are born healthy and hearty just as there are many babies born with all manner of problems who had a "normal" cord. The reason I was advised to get a second ultrasound was the possibility of problems with heart and kidney due to SUA and also the possibility of IUGR (growth retardation) due to insufficient cord. As it turns out after scans of the heart and kidneys, as well as limbs, fingers, toes, stomach, bladder head etc, everything appears normal and baby is actually in the top 97th percentile for growth for its age. Good luck to all you new mums and dads who have just heard you have an SUA pregnancy, but it doesn't mean bad news necessarily.


angelo - February 7

what conditions other than downss are screened with amniosenthesis


Ca__s - February 7

Just an little boy was born Dec. 28th - and is just perfect. We did go in to have an ultrasound done on his kidneys and they are functioning normally. To all of you dealing with this for the first time, try not to get too freaked out by what you find online. The majority of babys with 2-vessel cords are just fine.


Clare - March 1

At our 19 week scan this week we found we've got a 2-vessel cord too (I'm 39 - increasing maternal age is a risk factor). After looking at the latest research I've settled my anxiety a little (85% of babies are normal - the rest may have congenital +/- chromosomal problems). The scan showed an otherwise healthy male fetus. They advised we have another scan at 32 weeks to check for IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation). I'm seeing my GP next week and will ask for another detailed scan at 24 weeks to check that our little boy is doing OK in everyway possible - and if he ain't, it will give us time to adjust to what to expect. We've declined all the standard earlier tests (nuchal/ AFP/ amnio etc) as we can't change the outcome if they're abnormal (we'll take our baby as he comes) and I didn't want any invasive tests or tests that came back with false positives. Praying for all your beautiful babies, and ours!


Clare - March 7

Saw GP today - have booked a 23 week ultrasound for 30 March - hopefully bub will be AOK then, and if not, we'll know better.


kiddolebel - March 9

Just found out my daughter has two vessels..i go for the fetal echocardiogram on tuesday. Readin gall these stories of people having children that are fine really helps.


Melissa - March 9

I was diagnosed yesterday after our 19wk ultrasound with a two vessel umbilical cord also, and have been worrying ever since. The medical information certainly seems to be concerning, so it is nice to hear some positive stories and feedback about SUA to balance it all out. We have a secondary scan next week just to check again that there are no a__sociated abnormalities, and hopefully all will be ok. Fingers crossed for our baby and each of yours.


missy - March 15

Hi Melissa, I have been looking on here hoping to see someone else with a similar situation. how did your secondary scan go? I am 31 weeks and just found out yesterday from a 4d ultrasound that we have sua. I have been so worried ever since! Everything else looked good except for that and I have some excess fluid. I hope you are doing ok--I have read lots of posts from other forums and seems they never had problems, I would love to hear from you, its nice talking to someone going through the same thing!


christine - March 15

i had posted a while back and delivered a healthy 7 lb. baby girl. they did a renal ultrasound when she was born and did discover one of her kidneys was slightly enlarged. i don't know if this is related to the 2 vessel cord because i do know other babies that have the same thing having a normal umbilical cord. but she is taking antibiotics every day to prevent a UTI. the pediatric urologist said that in most cases this will just fix itself as she gets older. but other than that, she is completely healthy.


Kiddolebel - March 15

My EKG went great today, dr said everything looks normal with her heart =) Good luck with everything ladies. Try not to read too much online about this... babycenter bbs have a great support section for moms pregnant with two vessels. Try checking it out sometime. Its in the pregnancy complication section...placental disorders. Good luck.


chris - March 23

Our little girl was born on 3/08 with a two vessel cord. Everything appears to be normal at this point except for her hearing. She has failed the hearing tests 3 times. We go tomorrow for a more detailed hearing screen that takes @ 11/2 hrs as well as an ultra sound for the kidneys. We feel pretty sure that the kidneys will be fine but are really worried about the hearing. We had numerous ultrasounds during the pregnancy, does anyone know if that is a contributor to hearing loss?


Clare - March 24

Dear Chris, Congrats on the arrival of your little girl. From my internet reading, the main problems most often linked to SUA are heart and kidney problems. I've read some reports of hearing problems but thought it was a typo (hear versus heart). I hope that your little girl will be OK. All the best!


Clare - March 30

We had our 24 week scan today and it went VERY WELL. We still have the 2-vessel cord, but otherwise bub is beautiful, active and growing and developing right on track. No signs of anomalies, so hopefully Trisomy 18 is out of the picture. Growth scan and OB review in 6 weeks.


Amy A - March 30

Thanks so much to everyone that has written about there experience!!! I'm 21 years old and my fiancee and I are both really worried since I found out that our baby has a two vesssel cord. I was told I have strep b bacteria a month ago on the same day I went for the ultrasound and thought everything went fine. At my midwife apt, she told me that our baby only has two vessels and is about a week behind in size. Which makes no sense to me since I've gained 20 lbs. Im just wondering if anyone has any sites that helped them get some more information, I've found everything to be lacking. Thanks and best wishes to everyone!!


Clare - March 30

Hi Amy A - just do a google search on two vessel cord or single umbilical artery and you'll learn heaps. Try to ignore the bad reports because chances are your baby will be fine. And I'll pray that your midwife/ob are able to give you the rea__surance that you need (although I found it lacking at my end, probably mainly thanks to my age - 39).


missy - March 31

Hi Amy--try not to read too much on the internet, it will just make you stress out. They go into stuff that my Dr. says he has never seen a__sociated with sua. I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago with it and so far everything looks good. I have to go for another ultrasound next week. The most common things found with sua are kidney problems and slow growth. Are they going to do more ultrasounds with you? I am 33 weeks and was shocked when I found out--b/c at my 20 week ultrasound nothing was ever said. Good luck to you, and remember that 90% of the time (if not more) baby turns out perfectly healthy!!



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