18 Weeks And Bad Rib Pain

75 Replies
Joanne - July 6

I am so glad to know that I am not alone suffering with right side rib pain. I asked my doctor what it could be and she had no idea. Needless to say it was very comforting to find this web site. It's to bad I can't apply it to the pain. The only thing that I have found that seems to ease it somewhat is changing positions often. If I'm sitting for a while I will get up and walk around and vise versa. It does get so bad that I sometimes just have to lay on my left side and then it seems to dissapate somewhat. Good luck to everyone and if I find a cure, I will let you know.


Kim - July 8

I'm 29 weeks in to my 4th pregnancy with twins, and I also have rib pain on my right side that goes around in to my back. I sit at work all day when I can't stand the pain any longer I put on a Bengay pain relieving patch. The patch helps for a couple of hours.


Emily - July 8

I have the exact same problem. I am 24 weeks with my first child. I have suffered a cold for about a month now. What gives any relief?


Kelli - July 10

I had the same condition with my first pregnancy. It is called costochondritis. It happens when the tissue between the ribs become inflamed. Mine was so bad that I had to quit work. Anytime I moved, breathed, coughed, etc., I felt like someone was stabbing me in the ribcage with a knife. My OB put me on Lorcet Plus, which helped take the edge of the pain. I also saw my rheumatologist, and she gave me a steroid shot in the area that was hurting and put me on a low dose of Prednisone for a week. This helped for a few days, but then the pain was excruciating again. The Lorcet probably helped me the most. I had to take it for almost my entire third trimester. I had to get off of it a week or two before my due date, so that my baby wouldn't be born addicted. Good luck to you, and I hope you are able to get some relief!


Bec - July 12

I'm 17 weeks and have a pain in the middle of my rib cage but right up the top. Practically every body I have read about has the pain in the right side or in there back. At the beginning of my pregnancy I saw a physio for 3 weeks with upper right back pain, but didn't think at that early stage it could be the baby already? Has anybody else experienced between the rib cage pain?


Tabatha - July 14

i have the same pain on the RIGHT side and hurts so bad sometimes i cant move all i can do is lay there and want to cry i have to cure but if someone has one please let us know. this is my first child and i am 20 weeks


megan - July 16

I am 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby and from around 18 weeks i too started to feel extreme rib and back pain on my right hand side. I work in a supermarket forever lifting with my my right arm, the pain was so bad one day i curled over and couldnt stand straight and was taken to the hospital. They told me that the muscle under my rib was inflammed due to all the movement from me at work and the baby growing, but couldnt take any anti inflammatries as it wasnt safe. I left work at 26 weeks as was moving interstate and have found since doing less movement with that side it has calmed down. But i understand it is the worse feeling ever, i felt like i was bruised 24 hours a day and i couldnt touch that area and the only comfort i could get was when i was laying down flat on my back. Hope it get better for you all.


Sara - July 16

YOU MUST TRY THIS...Put a belt around your ribs! I put it on as tight as possible. If you can't use one of the holes, just hold it or put it behind you and lean back. In about 10 minutes you'll feel relief. I was in a wedding last week and I had a belt on under my dress the whole time... it was wonderful!!! Let me know if you try this and it works.


Katesa - July 18

MY DIAGNOSIS Hi all, I finally managed to get a check up at the antinatal clinic here and it turns out I have You are in: Back, Ribs, Neck, and Head Costochondritis Costochondritis - see http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/5058 -1.asp Costochondritis is an inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the b___stbone or sternum. It is not pregnancy related but can be helped with anti-imflamatories which of course a pregnant woman CANNOT take. Which is probably why the pain continues. Not much can be done here apart from I was prescribed pain killers of which I will only take when having a bad night. The good news is that it is not harmful to baby or Mum and that some time in the near future anti-inflams can be taken when NOT pregnant. Also it is best to avoid vigirous exercise which may aggrevate. I am not sure this is the same as what others are experiencing but something to check with your DR's maybe? Kates xx


Salwa - July 20

I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm 37 weeks with my first baby and the pain started last week. I went to my doctor and told me to take tylenol and didn't help.


Lynn - July 20

I had something similar in my first pregnancy - the baby was putting undue pressure on my gall bladder. There was no fix for that except to move around until the baby moved to alleviate the pressure.


liannelan - July 21

I am currently 31 wks and in my 3rd pregnancy. I had the same pain with both my boys, only one of them was on the left side and this one and the last one is the right side. MAN is it ever killer! I am going to look up Costochondritis it sounds like it makes sense. I have noticed that sitting in the hot tub (cool water) helps a great deal. Thanks for making me feel normal by letting me know I'm not alone. None of my friends have experienced this pain before. I thought I was alone on this one. :)


Jennifer Clark - July 27

I too have been experiencing the same pain on my left side. I'm 30 weeks along in my 3rd pregnancy and never felt this with either of my other 2 daughters. I have found that if I stretch out and put ice or heat on the "spot" it helps momentarily. Not much of a help when I work a desk job though. I hope it goes away soon, it's getting to be almost unbearable. My doctor looks at me like I'm just being a wuss, but this pain is incredible. I've dealt with cysts and endometriosis all my life, I'd trade this pain in in for those pains any day of the week! Where can you get this Arnica cream? At this point, Tylenol isn't helping, they told me to take heartburn pills but they don't help either and I'm at the point of trying just about ANYTHING!!!


Colette - July 28

I was first told to get the Arnica cream from the Health food shop, but my normal Pharmacy had it in their 'healthy/natural/vitamin' section.


Theresa - August 3

Hi all, its great to hear that i am not alone with this problem as my doctor does not seem to understand at all. I am now 32 weeks pregnant and i have had this pain in my lower left rib since very early in the pregnancy! i find it worse if i eat a large meal or sit for a long period - i try to eat little and oftern and streach out as much as i can. Got the pain right now so i am going for a lie down - good luck everyone :-)


Katie - August 3

Wow - so glad I'm not alone. I've also had this since early in the pregnancy, and am now at 20 weeks. I wouldn't say it's gotten worse, just different - it used to be a painful ache almost all day that started when I ate breakfast. Now, it's a very sharp isolated spot on the front of my ribs under my right b___st. It doesn't hurt all the time, but is aggrevated when I sleep on either side, or when I sit too long. It's tender to the touch - like I bruised it really badly. I have not found a cure, but a heating pad helped most of the time. My doctor also doesn't really get it. I hope this helps!



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