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1 Replies
kristinano - December 6

I am 21 years old with a son who is almost 21 months. I and my husband have been trying to concieve for at least 8 months now and yet it only took 6months with my son. I skipped my period for a whole month of October then I started on November 1,2004 and lasted until November 8,2004 which is normal for me. But I was 3 days late this month for my period on the 4th day I started my period which is light to medium and im usually heavy, well i did have cramps. Even after my last period I had cramping all the way up until my next period, i had to pee more, very tired, mood swings, back pain with leg pain, my nipples were purple with purple/white bumps, but then i started my period. When I found out I wasnt pregnant by starting my period I began crying along came a headache and cramps(moderate). Okay now the last week octobr i took 3 bc pills which probably prolonged my period into november. I did have a couple of cysts on my ovary but when i went to gyno November 9, 2004 they said everything looked normal and i did have a tender area up inside of my va___a and he said i could get pregnant then prescribed me prenate vitamins to help, i had those cysts back in august and september but none now. Im getting really frustrated, how can i concieve? What should i try? Any tips, advice would help??? Also about implantation bleeding, is it possible to have a period as implantation bleeding if you were late by 3 days? Could implantation bleeding be "red" and go as long as a period without it being "heavy" only light to medium? I mean you would think if the embryo had to burrows into the uterus, couldnt that cause bleeding? Also the placenta, what about the blood vessels? Please help I need answers????????? Thank You Please help


Love - December 8

Kristina, I would not worry at all. God blessed you with one son and has the power to bless you with another. I am 5 weeks pregnant, and cried my heart out when I found out that my sis-in-law was pregnate and I was not. However, I cried out to the Lord and asked him to bless me on HIS time. that was a two months ago. After I cried out, I deceided to re-direct my attention to what I needed inorder to be prepaired for a child of my own. As soon as I stoped worrying and thinking about it so much I was pregnate. The thing is that we do not inpregnate our selves. It isup to the Lord as to whether or not we shall conceive. So, my advise is to not worry, beause you cannot add a single hour to your life by worrying. Allow nature to take its course. Besides, there are only twenty-four hours in a month that a womancan get pregnate. The fact that we even get pregnate is a miracle its self.



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