
4 Replies
Vicki - September 14

Even though it's September, it's still hot out and it causes me feet and hands to swell. is there anything i can do? or do i just have to grin and bear it for a few more weeks?


mel - September 14

Hi Vicki, I hear if you elevate your feet, blood will drain out and decrease the swelling. Also, don't forget to drink lots of water!


Kathy - September 15

I agree with me. Elevating your feet really, really helps. I used raised pillows. Also, get your man to give you some hand and foot ma__sage!


Julie - September 15

Vicki, unfortunately you may have to deal with it :-) I'm 39 weeks and have had bad swelling since my 4th month! I drink at least my 64 oz of water a day- and that's JUST water! Elevating your feel will help, but if you have swelling really bad it may take quite awhile to subside. I finally can see what looks like my ankles again because I've been off of work for a week and trying to rest before the baby gets here! Staying cool will help too!


jen - September 29

drink a lot of water and lower your intake of salt. anything salty has to go. elevate your feet as much as possible, but it won't do anything unless they're above your heart. Watch for other symptoms which could be toxemia. I have it and it realy sucks. If you have headaches, blurred vision, a pain in you upper right rib(which is from swelling of you liver), on top of sweeling that stays indented when you push on it, go see your doctor immediately. Toxemia unmonitored can actually be deadly to a mother and unborn child. They put me on water pills and I don't swell as much, but you literally tinckle every 5 minutes. So sleep is out of the question. But, at least you and your child are safe.



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