Vaginal Ultrasound

2 Replies
HJA - May 18

I am scheduled for a va___al ultrasound and am wondering what to expect. I'm about 2 months pregnant. Is it painful/uncomfortable? Can you see a lot on the monitor? Thanks.


Stephanie - May 15

I have had this done twice, it is not bad at all. A little uncomfortable but not painful. What they do is have a long thing rod just about the diameter of a quarter, they put a condom on it and lube it up and ask you to insert it yourself. The the tech moves it slightly around and they get really clear results. they couldn't see my babies heartbeat and with this test the heartbeat was clear and pictures were too. Don't be scared, I almost perfer it for the test results to be clear.


Nyasha - May 18

I just had a v____al ultrasound yesterday, and it was fine. It is not painful at all. The tech just inserted the well-lubricated rod, and was able to move it around with no pain to me. I'm 6 1/2 weeks along, and we were able to see the heartbeat and everything else clearly. It really is fine, you don't have to worry about it.



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