Anyone Newly Pregnant With An Infant

26 Replies
BriannasMummy - April 14

I have a 4 month old. She was born in December. Ive just found out that Im pregnant again.. and due again this december. Anyone else in a similar situation? It would be awesome to talk to you!!


Karen_Fletcher - April 15

Hi! how are you? my baby boy is 9months, he was born 9weeks prem but is doing fantastic, if this preg goes the same he could be anything from 15months+! i was shocked to find out i was preg, that was 3weeks ago and i am now 7weeks and i still have moments of sheer wonderment! lol. ttfn :o)


BriannasMummy - April 15

Yeah I think im in the same boat.. its almost like im living in a dream! Its like.. i have to go and check the test to make sure im not crazy. I wasnt expecting any of the sorts to happen. Im extremely happy about the entire thing.. just shocked beyond belief. Congratulations on youre pregnancy is this ur second? ~Kristin~


Karen_Fletcher - April 15

hiya. i know what you mean about checking the test, i used a clearblue digital and when it said pregnant i almost fell off the loo! lol. if everything goes well this will be my second child but i had a m/c just over 2 years ago so it would be my 3rd pregnancy. is this your 2nd pregnancy and do you think you will have anymore after? i definitley wont be! lol


bradylove - April 15

Hey BriannasMummy! Me, me me! JK lol!!!! Any symptoms yet girly?


BriannasMummy - April 15

Karen.. this is actually my third pregnancy. I have a dd that will turn 5 on the 29th and my other dd is 4 months old. When are you due Karen? NINA: Youre soo freakin funny!! Oh yeah ive started to get some fun symptoms I have been having these nauteous feelings when i smell things.. i have this crazy heavy feeling in my abdoment and im extremely tired.. woohoo!! lol ~Kristin~


BABYFAT21 - April 15

Hello everybody, as you can see I am babyfat21. I was toosweet but I couldn't log on so I created a new account, anyways just wanted to add tha I too am going through the same thing. I have an 8 month old son and mid january I found out I was pregnant again and boy am I happy.... not .... please read (4 women are having his baby) and piece together the puzzle hee hee xoxo luck to all


falafal0 - April 15

My youngest is 7 months and I am nearly 11 weeks pregnant, due 9th Nov at the moment (haven't had an unltrasound to confirm dates). This wil be our fifth child, but definately the closest togther so far!


BriannasMummy - April 15

falafal0.. so basically you and i are in the same situation.. your youngest was about 4 months when you conceived. Its crazy.. I cant even believe im one of "those" women. hahaha.. Five children.. thats amazing.. you must have a superwoman cape tucked under your bed some place. I hate to ask this.. but where you have had 5 children.. have you ever had a miscarriage. Ive read some crazy statistics in the last couple of days.. and it went as far to say that every woman will miscarry once in their reproductive lives.. im just trying to find out if this is true information. Im happy to know that there are a couple of women out there just like me!! ~Kristin~


falafal0 - April 15

Hi Kristin, nope, I haven't had a miscarriage that I know of - a threatened one with my second son, very scary, but it all turned out fine. My oldest is 11 in July, second son just turned 8, DD 5 next month and our baby. Superwoman? Yeah right! I have a meltdown every other day! But I can blame it on hormones now - hehe. If my DH wasn't a real family man and supported me like he does, I'd have big problems. He is certain I'm pregnant with twin boys and is very happy. I said you're crazy, but only time will tell. He said bring it on! Is this your second pregnancy? Your baby is your first? I just turned 30 years old December gone and I thought I was TOTALLY done...:-) I aslo thought I'd never be one of 'those' women who have a baby a year apart, though my MIL had my DH and SIL only 11 month apart - geez. I really thought I was pregnant at my 6 week check up (left it to 8 weeks) and was actually suprised to find I wasn't. Relieved to tel you the truth, but now a bit later, it's ok and even though I'm dreading and am really nervous about the pregnancy which has already been hard, because the last one was so difficult, I'm looking forward to another baby, just not what I have to go through! What if you have both bubs born on the same day?? How cool would that be?!


Karen_Fletcher - April 16

Morning all. I am due on the 3rd December and i am having my scan next wednesday (25th) to confirm. I am absolutely shattered, i go to bed tired and wake up tired with a very full bladder and this morning i woke up with what i think is the onset of hayfever, another summer of no meds ((boo hoo)). when is everyone else due? falafal0, rememeber me from last year!?! congrats on your news xox. ttfn :o)


falafal0 - April 16

Hi Karen_Fletcher, I do vaguely remember you, though my 'baby brain' after the past ten years is totally not worthy to mention! Congratulations on your news as well - good to hear your little boy is going ho-gun, 9 weeks prem, wow, I think that's where I remember you from...that must have be SO hard. I'm so fortunate to have always gone full term if not a few days over...I'm in Australia and we don't have a routine scan done until 19 weeks or so, unless necessary, so I've got a ways to go before I find anything out...


BriannasMummy - April 16

Hey girls! Falafal0 to answer your question.. this is actually my THIRD child. I have a little girl that will be 5 on April 29th and my baby! Hahahaha.. i couldnt imagine being pregnant with twins.. thats the only way im getting through this.. to know that people do it with twins everday.. theres no way i could handle 3 little tiny ones.. YIKES! Karen: Im also like falafal0.. we dont usually have a routine scan until about 18 to 22 weeks. At about 28 weeks Ill probably have to go to fetal a__sessment every week and have an u/s every week though. I have chronic high blood pressure and during pregnancy they wathc to make sure the baby thrives well. Im going to have another c section.. just like the last 2.. wonder how hard it is for your body to "move on" after 2 c sections a year apart.. im about to find out!! ~Kristin~


anne - April 16

mine just turned 20 months old and i gotta admit it was a big surprise to see a positive test. I didn't think there was any way I could have gotten pregnant last month! The thing was positive before i could set it down on the counter. Talk about freak out lol


BriannasMummy - April 16

Hahahaha Anne.. that is EXACTLY how i felt.. i seriously thought there would be NO way in this world that it would turn positive. I was taking the test to prove to my dh that I was right and that i was NOT pregnant.. i guess again HE was right and i was way way way wrong! ~Kristin~


Erin1979 - April 16

My SIL had twins 03/29/02 and then a single boy 04/05/03....exactly 53 weeks to the day apart. She had a hard couple of years (it was like having your case twins) but if you asked her now, she wouldn't have them any other way. Good Luck!!


falafal0 - April 16

It took all of five seconds to get a positive reading too for me Anne, and Kristin, at least your older DD is in pre-primary now? That should make things easier...two c sections close together, hmmm, sounds like a long road to recovery. I have very fast labours, baby Levi was delivered by DH in 25 minutes, and DD was born in the car in the hospital carrpark in 45 minutes...first two were short as well, so this time around, even though I've put my papers into the community midwifery for a midwife, I am going to ask about my options. If I have any...the recovery at home too was hard - wished I could have been transported to the hopsital for the first week...would love that!



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