Secretly Trying To Get Pregnant

62 Replies
To the two that responded to m - October 1

Did i say something about the time at which Kaz wrote her answer? NO so u read and learn to do so! It is not your place to judge the decisions of others......if they get pregnant, they will have to live with the consequences of their actions....not you! SO get a life, and stop worrying about everyone elses!


to the last post - October 2

Actually, it's the child that will have to live with the consequences of her actions.


@@ - October 2

It annoys me that women can be so selfish and force something like fatherhood apon men. I really want to start ttc and we have been talking about it for years (im 25 hes 28) and he keeps putting it off. So many people have told me just to try without telling him but i could never ever do that. What kind of realtionship do you women have! Arent relationships based on trust and respect? Wake up girls and realise you are being selfish and are acting like kids.


not good - October 2



zoe - October 2

I really feel that having a partner on the same page as you is very important for your health and your future babies (especially emotionally). I can relate to the frustration though. Sometimes men are hesitant to ttc because of finances, fear, past experiences, you name it. However, I would recommend having open communication and possibly counseling to help the both of you connect and get ready. Is he your husband? If he is, talk with him, if not please don't secretly try to get pregnant. My husband and I have been maried for 4 years and are barely ttc. You need to get to know your partner and build a solid relational faoundation before having kids. It is worth it:)


Mrs McIntyre - October 2

You know what? what about when ya all split up who are not married yet are you gonna be like my hubbies exes who got knocked up (one admittedly on purpose) KNOWING he could not afford to pay childsupport and try to have the daddy in jail for not supporting a kid he did not ask for that yoou dont let him see just cuz you feel like you got slighted when he left your manipulative b___t? Get a reality check before you bring a kiddo into your fantasy lands!


To: Tired - October 3

So why are you responding to someone who posted in May? She probably will never see your post. Your own situation has nothing to do with the topic at all, so you couldn;t have read it very well...unless you like to babble. As far as you thinking it's okay for a woman to get pregnant behind her partner's back, that is just sick. It is NOT just her that has to live with the consequences. It is also the child and the father. It is a truely sick and stupid thing to do.


Anon - October 3

If you wait around for some men to agree you will wait forever. I know what it feels like to be desperate for a baby and although a lot of men say that they don't want a baby when it actually happens thay are really happy (not all men though). I don't think you should try to get pregnant though unless you are in a long term relationship.


jgirl - October 9

Three months ago I had a little baby boy with my boyfriend. We love each other but decided the best thing for him was adoption so we placed right at the hospital he was born. We instantly realized that we regreted really bad. I want another baby so bad, not to replace the one we had, but because I wanted to keep the first one because I am ready to be a mom. He wants to wait, but I don't. We fight all the time, condom, condom. I can't take birth control because of medical reasons but I think that if I could I would stop taking it.


Lilac3 - January 21

I want to know what you all are doing to get yourself pregnant because I want to do it too. Please help me.


Lilac3 - January 21

how r u going to get pregnant without him knowing. Please tell me because I would like to do it myself


kelbabe - January 25

i can not believe there is a thread about this!!! .my brothers gf did this to him twice and now he resents the children because they were forced on him and he wasnt ready....if you are thinking about doing it, then either you need to grow up or split with your fella now, before bringing a baby into it!!!


LeslieM - January 25

i cannot believe i am reading some of these....for you ladies determined to get PG without your partners knowledge, have any of you thought about the baby? do any of you know what it is like to grow up with a parent that wants nothing to do with you? i do and it sucks and it hurts and i do not care how "strong "a person is, a situation like that could be so detrimental to a child. i paid the price of a father that abandoned me and you ladies are possibly setting up the same type of scenario. and your partners? what about them? have thought a second about their feelings or lives either? oh, this has got to be one of the most selfish things a person could do. think about it ladies...think long and hard before you subject an innocent child or partners to a potential life of anger and resentment. ill get off my soapbox, but i will proudly say, id say it all again to defend a child.


sammy123 - April 21

I am purposely getting pregnant without my partner knowing and I know there is a possibility though not likely that he will not want this child however I am ready for a baby I am in a good place I can afford to take care of my child and myself on my own and have also formed a support team of peopple I trust to keep it secret I am ready and if he's not then he knows where the door is. My father abandoned me when I was a baby and I was raised by a single mother I have never felt that made me less of a person when I turnned 18 went to see him didn't like him and moved on I have never resented him and he didnt resent me he just didnt want to raise another child and those people who do harbour resentment need to look inside themselves and stop blaming cir stance and other people its sad that some of us take it that hard and there is nothing wrong with a single women raising a child and if he wants to stay and help thats even better but its my choice not his and no man should ever keep a women who wants a baby from getting pregnant!!!!!!!!!


Grandpa Viv - April 21

Sammy, are you looking for someone to validate your decision? I have no problem with a woman of means deciding to go it solo. The most honest route would be through AID with an expense to the organization for finding, vetting and paying the donor. Putting an NSA sperm donor ad in Craigslist is cheap but has the disadvantage of not knowing much about the father. Playing with the emotions of someone who thinks you are important to each other seems self-centered. If you do not end up as a couple he will spend the rest of his life feeling he had to give up his baby for adoption without having any say. Is there not some way you can invite him to be part of your plan with no obligation on his part?


Mummato3 - February 22

I am desperate for another baby, I have tried and tried to talk to my hubby about this but he will not budge! He is an accountant so constantly reminds me how much it costs to raise a child. I get that I really do, but the older I'm getting the more I feel that the choice of having another baby is being taken away from me. Yes I am blessed already I have 3 beautiful children who I love with every ounce of my being, but I just don't feel complete. We both have good jobs, own our own house and cars. There is no problem with having another child. But the more I talk to him the more he seems to dig his heels in! He even told me if I was that desperate to have another baby then maybe we should break up ????. Of course that didn't go down well with me! I responded with I want YOUR baby not anyone else's! But even though he is so against having another baby we don't use contraceptives and he won't have the snip! The only reason I'm not already pregnant is because he uses the withdrawal method. I have told him that it isn't fool proof and I would not terminate if I fell pregnant. I have seriously considered accidentally falling pregnant. But I don't think it's fair to my hubby along with I don't know I could handle the guilt. ???? 

What really makes me sad is he is such an amazing father, I know he would love another baby once it were here as much Ashe does the others. 



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