When Did I Conceived

3 Replies
Roxanne23 - November 14

I'm confused as to when did I conceive my due date is December 12th  I spotted for 2 days March 14-16. I had sex at the beginning and end of March I had a postive test on April 5th on April 26th I had an ultrasound and it read I was 7 weeks did I conceive at the beginning of March or end? 


Grandpa Viv - November 14

The ultrasound and due date suggest you had a period starting March 8th. Ovulation on a 28 day cycle would have been about March 22nd. I hope that coincides with your "end of March" recollection. That would be the guy.


Missunique - November 30

Hi I'm confused ?? My last LMP was February 25,2016 I had unprotected sex around the first week of march an around the 10,11,13,14 of march as well . I'm currently pregnant ! An my due date is December 6,2016 how is that my due date according to my last LMP??? Doctors said I got pregnant march 15 . can some one please explained to me how I got pregnant the 15 of march when I didn't have sex that day . according to my LMP my due date shouldve been November 30 


Grandpa Viv - December 3

Congratulations on the impending arrival! Sperm can last inside you as much as five days though the egg is only good for one day after ovulation. Whichever set of figures you look at, sex any time in the March 10th thru 14th window had a chance for pregnancy.

Due dates calculated from an ultrasound at 6 weeks or so are usually accurate to a day or two. Ultrasounds taken later can be off by a week as some babies grow faster and bigger than others. Your baby may be a little smaller than average.



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