Breathing Exercises

5 Replies
Flabbergasted - June 23

I need help. I’m in a prenatal class with my girlfriend. The teacher keeps insisting on the importance of breathing exercises for the couple, as the partner (this is me) will act as a coach, to help the woman breathe correctly during particularly painful parts of the labour process. My girlfriend however, for reasons I still can’t understand, I’m trying really hard here, is absolutely convinced that she doesn’t need to practice breathing with me, she can do it on her own, and finds it absolutely ridiculous that we try and breath together, and do these exercises beforehand. I’m trying to explain to her that it is all part of the teamwork and that it will make things easier during the birth. Will somebody please give me some sound advice here. Am I going insane, when I see that every single couple in the prenatal class is doing the breathing exercise and my girlfriend refuses to do it with me. She seems to think there’s no need for it.


john - June 23

Is this her first? If so maybe she has developed her own sort of pain relieving technique. I went to lamaze cla__s and the teacher told us that the breathing thing just doesn't work for some women, they would prefer chanting or humming, every women is diffrent and have their own ways of getting throught it, But it is still important to know the breathing exercises for a back up plan. I this is her first baby, then you should really try and have her perticipate. My sister did not go to those cla__ses and she was having her second baby, they end up having to give her oxygen off and on during the delivery, because she was in so much pain, and trying to talk at the same time. well she and the baby both came out happy and healthly, but it should'nt have to come to that. Maybe you could talk to the teacher about how your girlfriend feels, Of course don't upset your girlfriend though! Maybe all of you could stay after cla__s or something. Good Luck.


Shelly - June 23

The breathing exercises aren't the end all and be all of childbirth. If she doesn't want to do them, there's really nothing you can do about it. Remember the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but youcan not make him drink." Part of being in a successful relationship is knowing when to stop. She's going to the cla__ses with you, and hearing the instructions. If she decides in labor to use them, you can calmly walk her through it. Keep in mind that pregnant women and those in labor are often very irrational. The coach's main job is to be loving and supportive---nomatter what. Sorry if this is not the answer you're looking for, but I hope it helps. Good luck, and enjoy your baby.


Nikki - January 10

Shelly is right. You cannot make her do this if she is convinced she doesn't need it. However, I think it is grand that you are interested in helping her and coaching her. It is just as important for you to keep practicing even if she doesn't. By doing this you will become a great coach and be able to support her during labor. I can't tell you just how much it means to have someone who care that much and who will be there and provide the support needed. She will need a coach even if she doesn't use her breathing exercises!


Jenna - January 12

hehe you sound like my mother. breathing honestly is pure choice, some people feel stupid doing it. my mom tried like hell to get me to breathe when i was in labor and tried to get me to focus something but in the end i wanted to close my eyes and concentrate and thats what worked for me. if she doesnt like the breathing, just respect how she feels now, cause when that babies coming out shes gona be breathing yelling screaming crying and HATING you lol good luck hun


to flabbergasted - January 27

you should get a doula (they are great). Here is a website for free doulas: hope this helps



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