New Mother And Stroller Debate

2 Replies
PP - February 15

I have a front pack and I am inheriting a back pack. (My baby is not here yet) My mother never used a stroller with any of us she had 3. She didn't like us butt height or near cigs--- back then you could smoke anywhere. My sister has a 18 mo. old and cannpt live without her stroller. She loves it. Are they a neccessary item or can you just use carriers. PS I like to walk but not run and I shop on occasion but not often.


Anne - February 16

Whatever works for you. If you do long walks for exercise, you might want a stroller to make it easier on your back. Also, if you'll be trying on clothing you'll want either a stroller or another person with you to hold the baby. Otherwise, most groceries now have carts with seats that are similar to car seats. Strollers also give you a place to store baby's "stuff." Otherwise you'll need to carry a diaper bag.


Maleficent - February 17

my babies LIVED in the sling for the first months. i preferred to sling them becasue it kept stranger from getting to close or trying to touch my baby. it also was great for b___stfeeding, we'd walk around the mall nursing and the sling hid EVERYTHING. when they got older and started to squirm the stoller was wonderful too. you just have to use what ever best suits you at the time.



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