Any Unusual Bring On Labour Tips I Ve Tryed A Heap Already

288 Replies
E - May 7

I am 40 weeks and 3days... and I think it's about time for the little one to come out. but i havent really found anything that works yet so i dont kno?? But im getting induced wed if this baby doesnt come sooner because i will be 41 wks..


sharon - May 8

some things that help labor progress or start. red raspberry leaf tea helps soften the cervix and helps for labor and recovery. black and blue cohosh (tinctures are best) they help start contractions. evening primrose oil helps ripen cervix. c_min tea, castor oil, nipple stimulation. those are just a few that i have heard to be most effective. none may work though if you just aren't ready. your body really has to be ready in order for anything to help. but if you are dilating or thinning they should help speed things up.


Tara - May 9

I was told that if you eat a pineapple then take a long walk it can help bring on labour. A friend of mine tried it and 20 minutes later her waters broke and she was in labour. I've hit my due date now and i am gonna try it, worth a try.


Rebecca - May 10

Actually, I thought Jane was pretty comical.... Lighten up guys!


jackie - May 10

2 claire-i heard from a registerd nurse that his bum crushing your ribs you can get into the doggy style position and keep your but in the air but lay your face on the ground.its called a pelvic the way sometime little kids sleep??lol!but thats only advice for you if you havent already had the baby yet. THIS IS TO ANYONE WHO SAYS CASTROL OIL CAN KILL YOUR BABY...TRACES OF FOOD PARTICLES ARE NEVER FOUND IN THE UMBILICAL CORD!!!THE ONLY THING YOU PASS TO YOUR CHILD IS NUTRIENTS THUS THE BABY DOSENT CRAP BECAUSE OF THE CASTROL OIL BUT BECAUSE OF TOO MANY CONTRACTIONS AT ONE TIME CAUSING FETAL DISTRESS AND MAKING HIM POOP.but i would ask your doctor if you are thinking of using it...unless someone has some kind of medical certificate(i.e., RN,LVN,MD,OBGYN)i would not listen too much too them.


staci - May 18

try having s_x, my sister in law says it worked for her. i am about to try it myself, i am 38 weeks and baby is already 10lbs


Darren - May 25

oh and its generally considered a joke to have ;-) at the end of sentence if u are not serious


mommyno - May 27

I am 34 wks with my 4th. My second pa__sed bowel with no castor oil just labor .She is a beautiful terrible two year old and perfectly healthy.. So there you have it. Ladies good luck. I'd like to know how it worked and how long it took. Is the taste really bad?


Linda - May 28

Masturbation. Women usually have stronger orgasms when masturbating than with PIV s_x, and orgasm stimulates the uterus. So that may help.


jo - June 7

Black and blue cohosh can be dangerous and isnt recommended without the advise of your midwife.I am 36 weeks pregnant with my fifth child and all other 4 have been late.I have tried most of the suggestions and nothing works i also have big babys so im hoping this one arrives soon :)


laura - June 7

hot baths and going to the loo from number 2 lieing down and sunddenly geting up gental exercising eg stanging up back straight and bending like your on the toilet hope its helps


kellie - June 8

im in the same boat,dont jump down stairs and dont drink castor oil,very dangerous.bub will come when ready.


kellie - June 8

also try sitting forward on a chair and rock forwards and back thats to turn the baby,please dont get tricked into castor oil,thats "old" remedies,keep busy during the day and relax at night with feet up,or try going for a walk but not too far.Baby will come when ready,its nice and warm inside....


michaelsmomma - June 8

whatever you guys do, dont take the blue cohosh. It has been tested and contains cocaine, google it. it can make your baby have a stroke and noone wants that!! everyone's body is different, but just ket the baby come when it's ready!!!


n - June 15

my friend went for a ride in a golf buggy while her husband played golf, was a bumpy course, It worked


amanda - June 15

i have heard that taking 2-4 ounces of castor oil mixed in orange juice will induce and quicken labor i also heard you can mix it in with root beer or eggs



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