5 Weeks Pregnant No Fetal Pole Or Yolk Sac

765 Replies
michelle1131 - February 10

ok after reading all of ur stories i know there is hope here is my storie im 29yrs old have had 8 miscarriages in the past and am now pregnant again according to lmp should be 7 wks 4 days had first u/s on feb 6 2012 and they said 5 wks and only a sac no yolk no fetal pole..still to early, here is what they dont tell you every persons cycle is different conception date and ovulation the doctors use a standard mathmatical system to determine how far along you are from your lmp not necessarily accurate. i am going for another u/s in 2 wks to check the progress i have had light spotting throughout this pregnancy and am taking the progesterone treatment as well. my hcg levels are rising on feb 2 8557 and on feb 6 12998 we will find out this afternoon what yesterdays numbers were. so stay positive i know its hard as its all that is on ur mind im with ya on that one and remember docctors are not miracle workers they dont always have the answer and dont always have the answer u want. i know from experience that if ur hcg levels are rising there is always hope and it is hard to not worry but try not to.i will post more as i know it to keep everyone updated,,, anxiously waiting for good news


lashay24 - February 25

I read some of your posts and it is really inspiring. I am 5wks and 6 days pregnant according to the calculations from the Doctor however there the v____al ultrasound isnt showing any embryonic sac or baby. My HCG levels are rising and the doctor advises an ectopic pregnancy. However the scan does not show anything in my tubes other that what he believes are two cysts in my left ovary. He suggests a surgery to go in and search through my tube to find out if his thoughts are confirmed. I want to wait because i don't have any pain, my cervix is still closed and i want surgery to be the last resort. Is there any advice that anyone can offer?


waiting2see - February 25

I'm back :) I had my scan 2 weeks later and they found baby and heartbeat :D


nevaehsmom - March 7

Hi I'm new on here I decided 2 share my story because I'm confused I recently suffered from an eptopic pg on new years day2012 and the done a scan and found out I was5wks gne I had to have surgery which left me loosing my right tube . After surgery I had after surgery bleeding 4 4days at the beggining of jan .on valentines day I still hadn't seen a period and it had been 6weeks afta surgery so I decided to do a preg test which was faint but positive I went straight to the early preg unit we're they done a scan and cudnt find anyfing they dun blood tests 4 hcg and at the beginning were at 82 then 48hrs later they Ddnt go up by much they went to 89 so they done another blood test 2 days later they rang me to say they had gone 2 500 so I need to have a scan .they still cudnt see anyfing they done mre tests and they went to 1200 by then they saw just a sac which was very tiny then 2 days later I had another scan which was still a empty sac but had grown the doctors dnt know wen I concieved cuz I hadn't come on my period after surgery but she is guessin I'm arnd 4wEeks I have to go bk in 2 weeks time and I'm scared as the doc sed it may be a misscarrage .any 1 out there had the same probz.thanx


k0rtnei - March 14

I have been reading over this post for the past 4 days, and it has really helped me cope. Here's my story: Last Thursday 03/08, I went in for my first scheduled appointment. The first thing the doctor ordered right off the bat was a t/v u/s. What was noted: I was measuring 5w5d (lmp puts me around that timeframe), an irregular gestational sac was viewed, a subchorionic hemorrhage (doc attributed that to implantation however), and there was a questionable yolk sac (it wasn't plainly seen, but there was SOMETHING there!). Afterwards, the doc talked to me (and might I add, was a complete nightmare! Her entire att_tude suggests that she doesn't really care whether or not my pregnancy works out, that it's just another fetus to her). She advised that I have a 50/50 chance of miscarriage and there's nothing I can do....stated in her own words that "I could flip a coin and it go either way" !!!!! I was shocked by how she so casually approached this! I really want this baby so bad, it will be my first if the coin lands in my favor. I have never been pregnant before, nor do I have any fertility problems that I'm aware of. The tech did say that my uterus was tilted, therefore I'm hoping that had something to do with not being able to view things correctly. So far, everything has been fine. I've had several of the typical early pregnancy symptoms, and no bleeding or serious cramping. I'm hoping it's just too early to tell. I'm scheduled for a follow up u/s on 03/16. The doctor also stated that the heart should begin to beat at 5w6d and that since I was one day behind and she couldn't even see a definitive yolk sac that things didn't look good. Everywhere I've read online, and everybody I've talked to said it's too early to visualize anything, and have an ultrasound. Apparently most docs don't order them until after 6 weeks at least, unless there is bleeding or severe cramping (so I have no clue why mine performed one so early). I also don't understand why she didn't order blood work or perform an exam. The ultrasound was it! Ive been going out of my mind since Thursday over this! I had never seen this doctor before, and it really bothered me by how insensitive she was regarding miscarriage....it just took away all of my hope! Regardless of what happens On the follow up I will be finding a new OB, whether it's for finishing out my pregnancy or getting a second opinion. Women in this situation need positive support right now, not negativity, especially from the person your placing your child's life in their hands! She also made the comment that she's not spiritual and doesn't believe in religion, which her beliefs don't matter to me, but I am on the other hand and I thought it to be rude of her to act so condescending toward me because I could not agree with her. I have prayed to God every night since to allow this child to be born into my life, but I know either way, He has a plan and its His will and I can't change nor go against it. My thoughts and prayers are with every woman suffering through something like this. I know from reading this forum there are many experiences like my own that have been positive, and I'm hoping I have one more to add to that. If anyone has been through something similar please advise me on how it turned out. I'm trying not to stress but it's so hard hanging in limbo for a week! I just want to be prepared, and your words will be greatly appreciated.


k0rtnei - March 19

UPDATE.... (and for women going through this ordeal in the future) Went back on 7w2d and saw everything! A gest sac, yolk, and baby! Clearly visible....everything looked sooooo much better, also heard the heartbeat! So don't give, I'm thinking anything before 7 weeks you're not gonna see much, even at 6 weeks I was borderline so it made anything definite hard to see, Best wishes to all moms to be out there and God bless! I know this is truly one of Gods miracles :)


lashay24 - March 19

After another HCG the doctors feared that it was ectopic after seeing what looked like the foetus on the ultrasound. So i had the surgery and it was ectopic but now there are complications with bleeding and it has been almost a month since then. I'm about to switch doctors for a third time. Its very discouraging but I'm trying to hold it together.


ambermanion - March 26

Congrats k0rtnei! I ended up having a miscarriage. I went into labor with it at 2 months. It was inevitable they told me it wasn't developing. My husband and I are going in for chromosome testing. and they are going to look at my Cervix to make sure it is sitting properly and is shaped right. I have a kinda rare blood disorder also that makes things more difficult. I have anti phoshpolipid antibody syndrome. I wish you the best. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.


ashleyrachell - May 15

Im terrified right now. Had my first u/s last monday at only 4 weeks preg. they only saw a sac about 5mm. Went today for my second u/s at 5 weeks (according to my calculations) and they said the sac measured 20mm ????? is that even possible. To top that off they didnt see anything in the sac. They took my levels again (waiting on results). Last week my levels were 5000. Dr basically told me not to get my hopes up. Im suppose to go for another u/s next tuesday. Please pray for my family I am scared...........


Mandy04202012 - May 11

im suppose to be 6 weeks and 6 days today but the doctors says my sac measures 5 wks and 5 days and ive been getting brown discharge for about a wk now and doctors say i might have a ectopic pregnancy im scared i have a appointment monday but im scared everything isnt ok they cant find a fetal pole or yolk yet :(. Ive also got a little ache on my right side hip.. Can anyone give me some advise plz


Mandy04202012 - May 11

im suppose to be 6 weeks and 6 days today but the doctors says my sac measures 5 wks and 5 days and ive been getting brown discharge for about a wk now and doctors say i might have a ectopic pregnancy im scared i have a appointment monday but im scared everything isnt ok they cant find a fetal pole or yolk yet :(. Ive also got a little ache on my right side hip.. Can anyone give me some advise plz


Casey W - July 21

Yesterday i had an u/s and its measuring 5 weeks and 2 days. The Doctor told me there is no Yolk sac or Fetal pole. What does that mean? I have carried 1 baby to term and had 2 miscarriages. I am worried. I wont get my HSG leavels till tomorrow.  Can someone please help me understand. 


hicks - April 3

ok my daughter has been having trouble they all say she is between 6 to 9 weeks on tuesday they went down said she was misc, she blead bad had cramps took er on tuesday one time obgyn saw nothing then saw sac and baby last week saw nothing never herd hartbeat one week said saw something gave her us said was baby then this week could not find nothing er said cervic closed measured3.8 cm endometrium thickend 1.6fluid is identifiedin endometrium an intrauterine pregnancy not identified levels are still going up as of today they want do a dc thursday can someone tell me if it to early or did she loose baby nothing is being seen now and they said could be moular pregnancy any help please


riazoyer - May 17

 I ended up having a miscarriage. I went into labor with it at 2 months. It was inevitable they told me it wasn't developing. My husband and I are going in for chromosome testing. and they are going to look at my Cervix to make sure it is sitting properly and is shaped right. I have a kinda rare blood disorder also that makes things more difficult. I have anti phoshpolipid antibody syndrome. I wish you the best. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.


nashawill - June 20

 I ended up having a miscarriage. I went into labor with it at 2 months. It was inevitable they told me it wasn't developing. My husband and I are going in for chromosome testing. and they are going to look at my Cervix to make sure it is sitting properly and is shaped right. I have a kinda rare blood disorder also that makes things more difficult. I have anti phoshpolipid antibody syndrome. I wish you the best. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.



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