The Horible Truth About Baby Formula Please Read

19 Replies
shybarbie - May 19

Hi Inna, I have to say, you are not the only mom who has had the same question... I had it too. What am I really giving my baby? I had my baby in formula, because I had sealed ducts, and the b___st milk could not come out, giving me no other choice but to formula feed. I gave my baby formula, and her pediatrician said to give until she was one year old... So... I was giving her the formula, and she was getting a little constipated, yes, but it didn't make me thing anything of it, I just thought, well maybe her tummy needs to get used to it... Well 91/2 months later, I get up one morning, with such an uneasiness about the ingredients in the formula, I almost ignored it, but then I thought why not check it out. So I got online, and started to type some, not all, but some of the ingredients and found that some of them, when broken down, have been linked to kidney, lung failure, mitochondrial disease, parkinsons, diabetes, autism, damage to skeletal muscles, damage to brain cells, and the list goes on. I could not believe my eyes, and the more I read, the worst I felt because I was giving this poison to my baby girl, and the better I felt, because I had followed my gut instinct, and had found out something I didn't know. You better believe that the same morning I found out the info, I got her off formula. I started her in Cow's milk Organic. Everything I give her is organic... for odvious reasons. So.. Inna, I am with you... good research! keep going on, even if you are looked at the wrong way. Do what is best for your kid, and keep pa__sing on the word, because there might be many mothers that will be grateful. Many moms think like us.......


shybarbie - May 19



Dalinkwent - May 19

Inna, your negativity is sad. I am not saying b___st milk is not best, because it is, but formula is good for babies. Chances are, if you are reading this, you live in a developed nation. Hence, your babies chance of good health and thriving on formula is almost DOUBLE that of a b___stfed infant in a country like Ghana or India. These are facts, not fiction. It's more to it than just being b___stfed, it's access to good health care and sanitary living conditions. Good foods and care for the mother. Then, every child is different Inna. Every situation is different. I b___stfed both my kids until I decided to stop, and that was MY choice. I have two healthy kids, and my youngest is 5 months old and has been on Enfamil for a month now since I quit providing b___stmilk. She is even healthier. So your opinion holds no weight with me. I supplement my daughters diet with Omega-3s and other EFA's to enhance her health as well. Did you know that pure, unrefined virgin coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which is a natural and effective virucide and bacteria inhibitor? My daughter gets a loving spoonful each day, and I am happy to see her so strong and healthy. My husband and son both have colds, but baby and I do not. I owe it to God and also to my research of important supplements for my infant to help her thrive. I also give her probiotic in her formula just for infant children. Good health is all about education. Your scare tactics just give those of us who b___stfeed/b___stfed a bad name in the eyes of others. You need to find something more positive to do with your time, or promote b___stfeeding awareness in a better way.


Dalinkwent - May 19

Also, to those of you out there whose babies are suffering from constipation, please ask your baby's doctor about supplementing with a probiotic for infants. My baby has never been constipated, and honestly, her stools on formula mixed with the probiotic powder smell less offensive than they did when I was exclusively providing b___stmilk. She's not as ga__sy and fussy either, and the poop is still the yellow curd consistency, identical to b___stfed poop. Don't just sit there, educate yourself and help your baby. Talk to your pediatrician and get procative.



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