Pre Natal Yoga Anyone Do This While Pregnant

2 Replies
missarose22 - April 7

I'm starting my first pre natal yoga class this Saturday. I'm just wondering if there are any mommies out there that did this while pregnant and if it helped you have an easier labor, etc... Thank you.


Sabine - April 8

Hi there, I'm 7 months and just started pre-natal last week. I love it. It feels so good to stretch and strengthen specific areas. We also do a lot of breathing techniques that you can use in labour. I've had 2 friends that have done it and have just recently given birth. They said it really helped them in the last trimester as they felt it prepared their bodies more.


RF - April 11

I'm 15 weeks pregnant (first child) and I started prenatal yoga a couple of weeks ago. It's a great way to relax, and a perfect way to break up the week's heavier exercise routine. Consistent exercise is best during pregnancy - daily if you can manage it - and adding a yoga cla__s to the mix is a great "day off". I have heard that it will help with the delivery, and the months leading up to it as well!



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