Help With PCOS PLEASE Share Some Hope

10 Replies
patty - January 26

i am 30 yrs old-ttc for 1 year -just discovered i have bad PCOS. please share your stories because i really need some hope. my appt with my specialist is jan 26 to discuss the medicatons i should take. i already went for a transva___al and blood work. what medications did you take and how long did it take to conceive. please share !


tanya w - January 31

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 18 years of age. I am now 30 myself. When trying to conceive my first child I was put on clomid which basically makes you ovulate. I conceived on the first round and have a healthy 8 y/o son. I went on to get pregnant 4 more times but they all ended in miscarriage for other reasons but I was able to conceive them without clomid. I am currently 13 weeks pregnant without any problems and no clomid was needed. I take glucophage because PCOS does cause you to be insulin resistent. When you do get pregnant you need to have early glucose testing because you are at higher risk for gestational diabetes. I suffer from dark facial hair as a result of the PCOS and I invested in laser hair removal which I highly recommend if this is one of your side effects. It is a little expensive but was well worth it! That's all I can think of right now. There is a great support group if you google PCOS support you can find it.


shawnatwc - February 13

I was diagnosed with PCOS in April of 2004. I'm now 29 years old. I take glucophage (metformin) every day. My doctor recommended that I follow a diet like South Beach. I used Clomid for about 6 months, without success (of acheiving pregnancy; although it did make me ovulate.) Finally, my doctor prescribed Gonal-F shots, and an HCG shot, combined with an IUI (intra-uterine insemination.) It worked the first time! I'm just about 18 days along now, but my hormone levels are rising like they should be. Good luck!


Billie - February 15

I too have PCOS and in March of 04 I started taking Prenatal vitamins because my hair was thinning and breaking. In June I had the first cycle I'd seen all year and surprise I found out I was pregnant in the end of July. My doctor said it was because of the vitamins. I had tried for several years after my second child to get pregnant without success. That's when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was told I was infertile. Maybe you could try those. Also recently my doc prescribed the glucophage for it and cymbalta for the emotional roller coaster. After I got over the initial gastrointestinal problems... the first month and a half I felt wonderful. I am 31 years old and I felt 18 again. It had returned my cycles to normal but, none this month. I think I am pregnant but, no positive hcg yet... The glucophage is supposed to make you more fertile because it can return your cycles to normal. I hope this helps!! If you want to chat you can email me at


shelleydinnyc - February 20

Don't fret! Everything is NOT out of your control. I am 30 years old, with PCOS and possible endometriosis. I had tried for months to get pregnant and was about to go on Glucophage (metformin) to hopefully regulate my cycles - when I got pregnant on my own. Here's why I think it (finally!) worked for me: I started taking my temperature every morning and charting. (Check out the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler - it's excellent!). Then I worked on getting my diet and exercise plan under control. I started to eat as if I was a diabetic, since the insulin resistence is similar to PCOS. So that's my best advice to you. I'm only 6 weeks pregnant, and now I'm worried about the higher rate of miscarriage.... but I'm hoping that continuing a healthy diet will help keep things progressing well. If you want to talk more about this, feel free to email me at Take heart! :)


Emily M - March 21

I was diagnosed w/ PCOS when I was 16, I have never been over weight but always had and do have dark chin hairs that I have to pluck every couple days. I took spironlactone for 5 years and found it was not helping. I was put on metformin at age 21. I have not been trying to become pregnant but I had regular cycles until just recently, (now 25 yrs old) when I found out I was pregnant! I am now 5-7 weeks along and my HCG levels are going up. There is a 35% higher chance of miscarriage in PCOS, so think positive and try not to get stressed. I had been told for years I would not beable to conceive on my own, so there is a chance.


bio - August 17

i am 31yr and i have used clomid for very long time without sucess then my Dr. have swithed me to Femera with metaformin. And i got the sucess on the first cycle and i was pg with 8weeks. And unfortunetly i got miscarriage after 8wks. Now again on Femera and Metaromin with the cycle of IUI. And Dr told me that i have PCOS that is the reason i am having trouble conciveing.....Anyways wish me luck for the coming cycle...


helodat - January 19

I had a daughter 7 years ago and shortly after was diagnosed with PCOS and told that more children were not an option, so for 7 years I dealt with not having a cycle, extreme acne, lots of extra hair and managed to keep my weight under control but gave up on the idea of more children and started enjoying the one that I have. I didn't have a cycle all year this year and went to the doctor for a yearly exam only to find out I am pregnant with twins, can you imagine what a suprise that was :)! I am now 15 weeks and they are very healthy, I am still in shock and completely unprepared but I wanted to let you know anything is possible. I didn't take any fertility drugs, only birth control to help with the side effects of PCOS but decided to change the brand I was using and apparently got pregnant when I had some time between switching pills. My doctor kept saying she didn't know how this was possible but it happened so there is hope.


kismet96 - January 20

Wow helodat! Congratulations. I was also diagnosed with pcos. You didn't have any symptoms?


km_hji - December 2

I recently got diagonsed with PCOS. I have been trying to get pregnant using IUI since May. First Month, doc induced my period with provera and took clomid 50mg(day3-7) and i had follicles which were 20mm by day 18 and we triggered my ovulation. and then we had the iui done ....but of course didnt work 2nd cycle: 50mg clomid and femera and i had 2 growing follicles but just one got bigger and by day 22 it got 19mm and we did the trigger for ovulation. But AF showed up 3rd cycle: I had a heavy period. 50mg clomid , femera and after continuing the cycle monitoring, found out i have cyst so we cancelled the monitoring 4th Cycle: Induced with provera to get the period but i had very light period. I am never that light....but this time it was very light . I wud see it only when i wipe it and i had 100mg clomid, dexamethasone, gonal-f hormones injection. I had 2 follocles on both ovaries but i lost one and it dint grow beyound 1.1 cm so the doc canceled by cycle and he reviewed my file. he told me i have PCOS so he put me on Metformin right away and waited for next cycle. So another cancelled cycle 5th cycle : induced with provera and i had a very light blood again. I wud see it only when i wipe it . I was worried it will not work again...i was put on 150mg of clomid along with the metformin that i had been taken for the past month. Till day 15 my follicles dint even grow 1 cm. so now the doc is going to review me again tomm. After the metformin i had very high hopes for this time but i was very disappointed. Apparantely I have lazy ovaries. This is such a tough journey. I wish noone has to go through these things ever.... when u know its a disease that is not guranteed to be curable. Reading everyone’s post gives me so much hope. Now I have to prepare myself for a longer patience. It might even take a year.


spir - January 30

Hello all! I was very recently diagnosed with PCOS. I have many of the same symptoms as some of you have mentioned. Hair loss and dark hair on my chin are the most prominent. I have tried the laser treatment which worked great until I got pregnant a couple of years ago (miscarried) and the effects were reversed. Dr. said that changing hormones can do that for some people. I am 26 and want to get pregnant. We decided to start trying this month and my period is two days late. I know this may not mean much b/c of the PCOS but I cant help but think I am pregnant. I took a pregnancy test the day after my period was due but it was negative. I just feel like I am pregnant. Did any of you feel like that? I have pain in my lower back, random headaches, slight dizziness every now and again and have some discharge. I am also bloated and have developed a mysterious case of gas. I know a lot of these symptoms are PMS symptoms as well. Any thoughts?? Thanks :)



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