Heart Is Breaking Please Help Me Concept Date

1 Replies
Twin_Mommy2008 - February 28

I'm just going to put it out there. I had my last period Jan 25 it lasted til Jan 31. My boyfriend and I had unprotected s_x on Feb 2nd and he didn't pull out. My ex boyfriend came back into my life the following week and we had s_x on Feb 7th. but he pulled out.. According to the ovulation calculator online, I conceived on Feb 8th. I am having a difficult time with this because My ex pulled out and my bf did not. What are the chances I could have gotten pregnant the 2nd? Will my next ultrasound be able to determine the dates for me? I hate this. :(


Grandpa Viv - March 14

The first trimester ultrasound will help refine the answer. If you sometimes have cycles less than 28 days, the chances of the bf being the father are somewhat improved. If your cycles are usually longer than 28 days then the ex probably did not pull out fast enough, or went back in without proper cleanup. GL!



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