What Do You Think Pg1321282231

6 Replies
marielee - November 14

Hi, My EDD has been given as Dec 17th, 2011. I had protected s_x with this guy on March 4th. Just once. I had unprotected s_x with this other guy in March too. I can't remember specific dates but it was mid march and close to the end of March. I had my period March 12th. Do you think I got pregnant after the 12th or before?


Grandpa Viv - November 14

That EDD corresponds to an ovulation March 24th. S_x March 19th thru 25th is the prime suspect. GL!


marielee - November 14

So the March 4th guy is thrown out completely? He is a very healthy person. What if his sperm held on long.


Grandpa Viv - November 15

Completely! Not only can sperm not survive in you more than a week, a period cleans out your uterus in preparation for a new ovulation.


marielee - November 15

Yay! I'm so glad! Ok One more thing and I hope I'm not bugging you with this, but what if the March 4th wasn't really a period? If is wasn't, would my due date still be Dec 17th?


Grandpa Viv - November 16

I'm a__suming right along that your EDD is based on a first trimester ultrasound. Based on the size of the fetus, the doctor can estimate the conception date accurate to a few days, and by adding the standard gestation, she gets the EDD. If your March 12th period was on its regular schedule, ovulation that cycle would have been February 26th and the egg would not have been viable at s_x March 4th (it's only good for one day).


marielee - November 18

Alright. Thanks for the information. :)



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