When Did I Concieve Pg1331055493

3 Replies
kel1612 - March 6

My last period was in October. The reason being is because I'm on the 3 month birth control, and there's been times since I didn't have my period for a total of 11 months. Anyways, I found out that I'm pregnant, and that my due date is on Nov 3- today I'm 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant... I had s_x with 2 men in the month of Feb, of the week of Feb 4-11th. One had a condom the entire time, the other didn't. I'm trying to find out if it's true that I concieved on that week... HELP!!!


Grandpa Viv - March 14

It is true that you conceived that week. The guy with the condom is less likely to be the father.


kel1612 - March 14

Several of the website shows that I concieved on the 11th of Feb, I had s_x with the guy that had a condom on Feb the 11th and s_x with a guy that didn't feb 13-17th...


Grandpa Viv - March 15

That's tricky. While Feb 11th is the theoretical conception date, ovulation can easily be off by a couple of days either way. Do you remember your libido being particularly high Feb 13th? That might indicate you were ovulating that day. How many days is your normal cycle?



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