125 Replies
desa - April 9

i had my baby april 6th when did i conceive


Kita - April 19

when did I conceive, my due date is June 14, 2006.


namrata - April 24

when did i conceive .my due date is 21april


sarahbaby11 - April 25

kita i think around sept. 21


Brandie in Ga - May 9

Ok I have noticed alot of people askin how many months they are...Well here is chart to answer that question.... The timeline is like this: Month 1 = Weeks 1-4 Month 2 = Weeks 5-8 Month 3 = Weeks 9-13 Month 4 = Weeks 14-17 Month 5 = Weeks 18-21 Month 6 = Weeks 22-26 Month 7 = Weeks 27-30 Month 8 = Weeks 31-35 Month 9 = Weeks 36-40 Now if you want to see what day u turn another week then go to this site and put in your LMP... http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/pregnancycalendar/l/blpregcalc.htm To see your pregnancy Calendar then go here... http://www.amazingpregnancy.com/timeline/index.phtml?error=The%20date%20you%20entered%20is%20invalid! and finally this is pregnancy calculator that can tell you by putting in your due date exactly how far you are...Use the one that says Calculate Backwards... Hopefully some of this helps you that are wondering about this all.....Best of luck to you all...


liz555 - May 23

when did i conceive im due sept 1 and i had s_x in Dec 1 and 2 and also on Dec 17


Wanzhia - July 9

i had my baby on march 30 but my due date was like april 6 or something like that, what was the date i conceived


Marissa1979 - August 6

Ok I am due on December 27, 2006. When did I conceive???


Marissa1979 - August 6

Ok I am due on December 28, 2006. When did I conceive???


Marissa1979 - August 6

sorry about that i ment to put the 28th so i had to redo it.


Gissenia - August 7

in late march was when i found out that i was pregnant.My ultrasound on April13th,2006 said that i was 13weeks and 3days.Can you tell me when did i conceive?


marisolaguilar - August 9

my due date is october 25th 2006, can you give me a close conceive date? The first time i had intercourse with my husband was the the 25th of january,did i get pregnant the first time?


Britta - August 17

Iconceived 31 dec 05, what date is my due date?


Rhonda - August 22

Britta your due date is october 7th.


Rhonda - August 22

Marisolaguilar you conceived on feburary 8th.


Rhonda - August 22

Marissa you conceived on april 6th



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