How Do I Get Through This

6 Replies
Kerrie28 - January 4

I am/was 8 weeks pregnant and started bleeding Sunday morning...the bleeding just got progressively worse so my husband took me to A&E. The Dr examined me, took a pregnancy test, which came back positive and told me my cervix was still closed, but that I had lost a lot of blood and would probably go on to miscarry. They recommended I go home and they would book me in for a scan on Thursday....well yesterday evening I passed what appeared to be a sac, or a large amount of tissue at least. I am just so confused - I am pretty sure I have now miscarried but how do I begin to get over this? What will they do on Thursday? My husband has been fantastic and I've done all the reading...'its very common'..'its nothing you've done' etc. I just can't seem to begin to move on - I can't concentrate and keep crying. My husband has said we'll try for another, but I am so scared of having to go through this again.


r - January 4

Hi, I went through the same thing a few months ago (beg. of Oct. a horrible experience in the hospital that didn't give us a good answer and we had to wait over the weekedn to see my own doc and do blood tests but anyway...) I found the first 2 weeks the hardest. Not only you don’t know how to deal with this, but then there are the wacky horemone issue that I had to deal with. After I tolled a couple of people I realized how common it really was like all these other poeple that we know came out of the woodwork. But I have a couple of theories about miscarraiges like coming off the pill and getting pregnant too soon – being on the pill your body thinks your pregnant and if you get pregnant too soon then it’s too much for the body to handle, it needs to regulate. The other thing is – and I honestly belive this - that something was worng with the pregnancy to begin with and that's why the body could not hang on to the baby. In anycase, this has happened and you will pull through. This does not mean that your future pregnancies will be the same at all. This will have nothing to do with the next. You should go to your appointment just so they can confirm the m/c. Then after you have had 1 normal period you and your husband can start trying again – and that’s the fun part. :o) I’ll be thinking of you and your husband; Good luck.


she - January 7

I'm so sorry for all that you are going through...I too have gone through this, seems like exactly the same way. Just remember...there are women that are here to offer support when you need it. Like myself. You will move on when you are ready to move on and there is no shame in crying when you need to cry. It's all a part of dealing with loss. I have lost four over the last 10 years...still trying. And you will too. Good luck


Micky - January 21

Hi, i am sorry to hear of your loss, i know its not much help at the moment but you will move on, 7 mths ago i lost my baby at 19 weeks - weak cervix, it is rather hard in the first week especially when you have to start telling people, this makes it more real, but i found that talking to my friends and family to be the biggest help, even them just being around was great, my husband was also fantastic, whenever i was down or i would bust instantly into tears he would be there in a flash, he would just hold my hand or give me a hug, always remember that if you want to cry then you just cry, until i spoke to a few people i never realised how common miscarriages were. do not be scared of trying again, i know i was scared of lots of things when i came home from hospital, until i knew that my husband was ok with trying again, i never thought i could go through all that again, considering i had a bad case of morning sickness, so here i am getting better every day and feeling ok about trying again , keep your chin up and dont put too much pressure on yourself to move on, all the best and good luck


Jo - January 22

I had a miscarriage in feb 03 and it was the first i ever had, i already had 2 uncomplicated pregnancies and i didnt know how to deal with it. like you i felt like i did something wrong. when my tissues pa__sed, i thoroughly examined it, because if i had found a baby i wanted to say goodbye to it, but there was nothing. as i did some reading, i found that early miscarriages end because there is a problem with it and usually ends before theres really a baby formed. thats what happened in my case. I cried alot and walked around like a zombie. The only thing that helped was talking about it with people who love you. it is still a process you have to deal with but the love around you will take a part of the sting from it. Not long after that m/c i got pregnant and had a boy who is now 14 months old. Right now I am 7 weeks preg but possibly gonna miscarriage. my u/s showed a 5 week sac, 2 weeks smaller than what it should be. my hcg levels only rose 100 pts over 2 days, so we are still wondering whats going on. i have another u/s on feb 3. i am preparing for the worst. i have already done some crying but feeling better. i have my little boy who lights up my life so that helps. im sure i'll hit bottom again if it really does miscarry but i have really good friends i can lean on. im sorry for what you are going thru but you are not alone.


Jo - February 1

Once again i am miscarrying, doing ok emotionally because i was prepared for it.


stacey - February 1

I lost my baby at 8 weeks. It was last week. I am having a hard time getting over it, but made a little memory box to put everything in, and even wrote down everything that had happened up to that point. As far as being scared to try again, I know exactly how you feel. I am terrified to go through it again, but friends have helped in telling me that if/when I do get pregnant, I must enjoy all aspects of it and I won't if I am too busy being scared.



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