Somethings Not Right

2 Replies
D - January 25

This question is kind of embarrasing. But anyways almost three weeks ago I delivered my baby as a 19 week old fetus because he died. I bled like normal then it stopped for 1-2 days then it started again but it was brown and it was light. Then it stopped again for about 3 days then I started getting alot of mucus discharge that was tinted a light brown. Then yesterday I passed this teeny tiny dark brown clot. I wasn't worried until tonight I passed this nickel sized dark brown tissue like clot. I know that you get them when you miscarry but I had labor and delivered my baby before my body even began to get rid of it on its own. I really don't think that its normal. I have been through three normal pregnancies and I never got anything like this. I am only asking because I have never lost a baby before. I don't know just confused I guess. Please help and thank you ahead of time.


Karen - January 26

Don't worry, sometimes you get that after a delivery. Any delivery, at any stage. I can't remember whether I had them after my successful, full-term deliveries, because I had a baby to worry about and was less obsessed with my own physical state. But I know I had the stopping and starting bleeding, and some clotting, after my son was born at 20 weeks 4 days. The best thing to do is to keep the next piece of clot/tissue that comes out of you and take it to your midwife/doctor, then they can rea__sure you that its nothing to worry about - because it probably is - but if they think its suspicious they can give you immediate advice. But unless it smells awful its probably nothing to worry about, just a bit of placenta or clots of blood.


D - January 26

Thank you very much Karen. I feel better. I am sorry to hear about your loss as well.Thanks again.



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