Stillborn At 4months

3 Replies
Sarah - January 18

Today my cousin who's at 4 months went into labor and she lost the baby. I've yet been able to visit her in the hospital. Myself im 11 weeks. Im just so nervous something might happen to me and my baby. Why would she miscarry at 4 months? Thank for any advice or help..


Karen - January 19

Its a terrible thing to happen, I feel so sorry for your cousin, and although you have no real reason to fear the same thing happening to you, I can understand how you feel. I will try and remember what they said when I was losing my baby at 20 weeks 4 days ... my cervix was opening for no obvious reason, and they even asked if I had had s_x the previous night. Possible reasons were bacterial infection (which it was in my case,) cervix weakened by previous surgery, premature contractions which I don't have much clue about, I'm afraid, but basically they said that these things don't happen without a reason at such a late stage of pregnancy. Often it will happen if the baby has died, as you would expect of an earlier miscarriage. If its caused by premature contractions they can at least try to stop it or delay it, but nothing is guaranteed. If she had what appeared to be a vicious case of thrush/candida, it could have been caused by a bacterial infection. It attacks the cervix and the amniotic sac too. The baby doesn't really stand a chance, but when I say vicious, I MEAN vicious - so don't worry about every little itch or discharge you get.


Sarah - January 20

Thanks for your advice, She had a girl and they lost her. They said it was bc of some infection, they're going to run test to get a better idea.


Micky - January 21

Hi Sarah do not be worried, sometimes there are no answers for what happens, i have been through the same thing as you cousins, i lost my baby at 19 weeks, through incompetent cervix, the doctors said that nothing was to blame, these things just happens, it still does not make you feel to good when you are the first one in your family to ever miscarry. please do not put off seeing your cousin, even if you do not know what to say she will welcome your presence, i hope this helps



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