What Are The Symptoms

8 Replies
N - January 14

What exactly are symptoms of a miscarriage? Because I think I might have had a miscarriage but I'm not sure


r - January 14

There would be bleeding involved along with cramping. Your bleeding would be heavier than a normal period, and most likely you will see pa__sing of tissue. You can bleed while pregnant, and unless there is cramping involved you don't have anything to worry about. But call your doctor if there was bleeding and cramping, even if you think it's over you should still call to be checked out and make sure everythign has pa__sed through other wise you run the risk of getting an infection.


N - January 14

What type of infection?


r - January 14

First of all, are you still bleeding from the m/c? How long has it been? I'm not sure what the infection would be called but if the bleeding doesn't stop for days then that's a sign of an infection most likely inside the uterus. When I had my m/c they had to check my uterus to make sure it was empty and that nothing from the pregnancy remained in there. They said if there was anything left and I didn't do anything about it I could end up with an infection inside. The best thing for you to do is make an appointment with your doctor and go in so they can have you checked out. I hope this helps...if you have more questions don't hesitate to ask.


N - January 14

I'm hoping I'll be in and out of the doctor at the first of this week. What did they do when you went to the doctor?


trancy - January 18

I had a m/c 6 years ago. I didnt know what was going on. I was sleeping, in the middle of the night, all of a sudden I woke up w/ this horrible cramping pains all in my stomach. Then instantly stared sweating, shaking very very bad. I thought maybe I just got the flu or something for the sweating a shaking. Well I went to the restroom b/c my stomach hurt soooo bad, I sat there for about 10-20 mins. & in that time blood & stuff was just coming right out....it hurt so bad. I didnt find out till later on that I had a m/c. But yeah I agree w/ the other ladies above go to the doctor.


r - January 18

Hi N, Sorry I didn't see your posting over the weekedn...Did you go to the Dr.? How did it go?


slc - January 18

When do your period starts after a m/c. I had a m/c on December 21,2004 and I haven't seen my period yet. Does it mean that something wrong.


r - January 18

to scl: my period came about a month after my m/c. I was a 28 day cycle to begin with and it came around the time I was going to be expecting it. I don't think your period is late yet...what was your cycle before? Some women just take longer to get a period, after all your body haas gone through a lot and it may take loger than a month to regulate. I really don't think you have to worry too much yet. Maybe wait another 10-12 days and if you feel uncomfortable about it call your Dr. But I have heard that it can take longer than a month to get your period.



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