How Long Did It Take You To Get Pregnant After A D Amp C Or M C

17 Replies
jenn W - May 15

Hi Everyone, I found out I had a blighted ovum in March and my doctor did a D&C soon after. I have been TTC for a year and a half, so needless to say, it was so upsetting. (not to say that a m/c at any stage isn't upsetting, please don't take that the wrong way) My husband and I have started TTC again and I was just wondering, how long did it take everyone to get pregnant after a m/c or D&C? I think it will lift my spirits to hear some positive outcomes. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the women on this board and in the world who have had a m/c. xoxo


cynnababy - May 15

I had my D&C in April 13, and got my AF after 9 weeks. One cycle later, I am preggo again. I am one of the lucky one. I am sure you will get pregnant again soon, and have a healthy baby


clare-louise - May 15

I had m/c on the 20th April, unfotunatly i am still actually bledding form it, my dr advised me that you are at the most fertile just after the bledding has stopped but also advised to wait till 1 af. I have asked the same question as you as all i want now is to be pregnant. All the answer i have had are very possitive, women getting caught after 1-2 months. im sorry i cant help any futher. i wish you all the best. baby dust for the both of us.


maybebaby2007 - May 15

Well, just for stats: With the first pregnancy it took 1 cycle, unfortunately I've had m/c, after that it took one cycle again, but m/c again. Since then it's been 13 months. You've had your long wait already, I'm sure this time it'll be quick! Also I'm really sorry for your loss, I keep praying everyday, if I loose another after "13 months", I just don't know how I'll cope. So don't apologize, I know "exactly" how you feel! Lots and lots of luck!!!


tmanda1223 - May 15

hi jenn, i know clare's already read my story, but you said you wanted a positive outcome, so i wanted to share my story with you: i had a natural m/c starting on march 4th at 5 and 1/2 weeks pregnant, and i was totally devastated. dh and i weren't planning on trying again really soon, but a week and a half later (the first time we bd'd!) i got pregnant again, with no af in between. i'm now 10 weeks along, and at my appointment today i got to hear the heartbeat! everything looks great so far, although i've been knocking on wood and sprinkling sticky stuff for myself the entire time. so it happens at different times for everyone, but i firmly believe that if you just relax and let it happen (totally either said than done, i know) it will. i'm very sorry for your loss, but just know that it WILL happen for you, and you WILL have a healthy, beautiful baby. ***baby dust!!***


tmanda1223 - May 15

and meant "easier said than done", not "either". lol. :)


tmanda1223 - May 15

and then i left out the "i". oh my goodness! this "baby brain" i have going on is incredible. lol. just wait! ;)


ChattyKathy - May 15

After my first m/c it took three months. After my D&C it took six months. Both times I conceived when I decided to "give up" so I really think stress and anticipation has a lot to do with it. Good luck to you. Hopefully it doesn't take you too long.


Tory1980 - May 17

After my first m/c at 6weeks I fell pregnant straight away - no af and he is 2. With my second m/c & D&C at 14w4d I fell pregnant on my second cycle and she is now 5months old. I would imagine trying that long and falling pregnant only for it to end in m/c must have been devastating. For some women they do find they are more fertile after a m/c but for others it completely knocks their cycles. i hope in your case you have a healthy and long pregnancy very soon. Good luck sweetheart.


Kristin72 - May 31

Firstly I am so sorry for your loss. For me..It took me 2 cycles and I fell pregnant. I also had retained placenta was suppose to go for a repeat D&C .and still conceived with the retained placenta.The D&C was in Dec 23 '05. The pregnancy was in Feburary.. I now have a 18 month old little girl and I am ttc # 2. Since having my baby I had an ectopic pregnancy 8 months post pardum while bf'ing as well. Now...I am hoping to fall pregnant again been ttc for 4-5 months with no luck. Best of luck to you and everyone else. Baby Dust!!!


saniyah - June 5

God knows the time and the purpose. I too had a d&c following a miscarriage and it took 5mths to get pregnant again. I am now 15 weeks and 3 days. I still worry so much about if I'll mc again but I have learn to accept what God allows. Good luck and God bless.


HeavenisMine - June 7

I had a missed miscarriage in January of 07. I was a bit over 12 weeks. After my D&C I got my period in February and then got pregnant straight after. I was quite shocked actually :) I hope you get pregnant this time and it sticks (My daughter is almost seven months old now.)


margie - June 13

i had a miscarriage in february 2007 and got pregnant again march! and we had unprotected s_x only ONCE!!! i think you can be a lot more fertile after miscarriage


jenn W - June 13

Hi Ladies, I didn't realize this thread was still going. I wanted all of you to know I got a BFP last week. So, it took me three months. There is hope! Now I am so worried about the same thing happening I refuse to even believe this until I hear a heart beat in July!


jenn W - June 13

Let me rephrase that, I believe it, but don't want to get too excited until I hear a heart beat


sarahdavid - June 16

I know exactly how you feel. I got pregnant 2 months after my miscarriage. I lost the first due to a blighted ovum. I am 17 weeks pregnant now and everything has been great. I still worry constantly that I will lose this one too but I hope this time I will end up with the baby i have wanted for so long! Good luck and keep us posted


starcandel1 - July 16

I'm so happy to have found this thread... most are not current. I had a mmc at 12 weeks only I had thought I was at week 16. I had to have a d & c. I completely relate to wanting to get preg again as soon as possible. There is so much mixed messages out there regarding when it's "safe" to try. I dont want to go through this again obviously... but would feel worse having to doubt if I waiting the proper time. Had anyone heard current facts about the uterine lining? My doctor said waiting is more for dating purposes. Thanks everyone, this has been the hardest experience of my of my life & reading these stories helps me feel not alone. 



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