Faint Line In Pregnancy Test??

1 Replies
blonde01245 - October 17

hi, i recently took a Equate pregnancy test. as soon as i woke up i took it, i followed the directions & laid the test flat down like it said. i waited for 5 minutes & nothing came up. i waited about half an hour to an hour & checked it again & lines was faint but it read positive. maybe it's a false positive? 


Mommamoni09 - November 25

I also took 2 equates I am late for my period and have all symptoms I thought the test said dip for 5 seconds but really it's 20 and the negative sign came up and then a very faint positive showed up behind it making it like a plus sign. Granted this is the side by side test not a plus sign. So, I'm a bit confused. Even though I didn't dip my pee long enough could the hcg been detected!? 



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