Implantation And Negative Tests??

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Hoppy24 - April 28

Hi so I was wondering if anyone has an answer for me or has expierienced anything similar. So me and my partner have been ttc for about 8 months, with no luck. I get my period every month near the end of the month around the 24-26. It's always heavy and contains clots and what not (sorry tmi) but this month on the 17th I had a pinkish discharge which was really light and sometimes only noticeable when I would wipe. It lasted 9 days. I looked up and most people said that implantation normally only lasts 2-3 days but other woman have said that there's was longer. I took a pregnancy test on the 22nd and it was negative. I took another one today on the 27th because my period should have started by now, unless that was it which would be really weird because it was extremely light almost like nothing lol, but that test was also negative. I read some other forums where women have said that they never got a positive test result until 6 weeks and even 9 weeks! So please if you have any info or advice I would like to know.

p.s I don't really have any other symptoms because I've always been one to sleep a lot lol and my boobs feel normal



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