Has Anyone Had An Ultrasound Specifically To Check Anatomy

3 Replies
JJ-38 - June 7

Is this routine? My doctor scheduled me a week early to do an ultrasound for anatomy. This was scheduled after doing another ultrasound to check the heartbeat. The tech sat me in an office and went out in the hall and whispered to the doc over the print outs. I'm a bit concerened that they suspect something is wrong, though they didn't come right out and say it. Is an anatomy ultrasound a normal occurance??


L - June 7

If I were you when you go for the anatomy scan I would ask them outright why they are doing it and you want to know what is going on as you have every right to know. Don't let them keep you in the dark so to speak demand to know everything they are thinking and looking for. After all it's your baby. It's maybe just them being extra cautious as they tend to be sometimes. Best wishes.


Maureen - June 7

I agree with L, you should know what is going on. Here in Canada we get Ultrasounds scheduled automatically over a certain age. I had it quite a few times while pregnant. They did take lots of measurements, they want to know that the fetus is growing properly. It is standard proceedure. I'd ask first before panicking if I were you. All the best to you and Baby!


Carrie - June 20

Hi, I am 44 and on pregnancy #6, at 15 + 5 weeks currently, about to have an amnio on Wednesday. They have done an ultrasound every two weeks at my regular appointments, mostly just to hear the heart beat. I have a particularly thick stomach and they have had a hard time hearing the heartbeat on hand-held Doppler, but luckily every time they do an U/s they have shown a bouncing baby with a strong heartbeat at around between 162 which has been the lowest and 177 which has been the highest. But everyone is right, ask questions, don't just let them whisper outside the door. If you have questions and if there is a problem you have every right to know what is going on. I ask questions all the time and I think they would worry more if I didn't than that I do. They believe in keeping me perfectly up to date. Good luck to you.



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