Over 35 And Trying Clomid

5 Replies
Blue - June 23

Hi, I am 36 and trying for number two. The first at 34 was easy but second time round is proving not so easy. I have started Clomid two cycles a go. Is anyone else in the same boat and have they had any success???


alone - June 23

j_l _j_j _j_ j


Al - June 25

Hi Blue. I'm 37 and had been trying for about 4 years. A year ago we used, clomid and I found the side affects were horrible (hot flashes, mood swings etc) Also, it dried up my cervical fluid (which lack of it was a problem in the first place) I went off and used another drug that wasn't as strong (Serophene) and didn't have any side affects. We did not get pregnant with the drugs (2) 3 mth sessions of it, but last Dec. I noticed I had tons of cervical fluid around ovulation. We did the business those 2 days and sure enough I got pregnant. I'm due in 11 weeks!! Having said all that, I have a couple of friends who got pregnant with the drugs no problem. (one, on their own and the other with Artificial Insemination). Good Luck and stay positive!! It will happen again :-)


Blue - June 25

Thanks Al and congratulations!!!!!! My doctor has raised the issue of IUI and I am thinking if Clomid does not work in a few more cycles I might give that a go. Thanks again and I will be thinking of you over the next 11 wks!!!


2nd Time Mom - June 27

I tried 1 cycle of Clomid in May (1 month before my 38th bday) and it worked. I am now 8w4d. I had no side effects but had decided we would only try it for 3 months. I read a statistic that the majority of women who have success with Clomid get pregnant in 3 months. After 3 mo some docs will up the dose, and some docs will not continue to prescribe it after 6 months. Good luck!


Blue - June 29

Thanks 2nd Time Mom and congratulations!!! This will be my third cycle so I have my fingers and toes crossed that this time will be it. I am taking my last dose tonight. I doing the 2 to 6 day dosage at 100mg. Anyway it will be a while before I know if I have had any luck this month. Take care all and good luck to everyone trying and all of you who are pregnant.



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