Echogenic Foci Spots On The Fetus Heart

1388 Replies
EIFFears - May 29

Dear Micha, I have been trying to get into the FB group - I think it would help soothe my mind a little during the wait. I hope you don't mind, since the above post wasn;t to me, but I just sent you a friend request on Facebook, in the hopes of joining. Thank you!!


1moremom - May 29

Hi- I'm a member of the fb group and if you send me your email address I will add a post to have the admin add you to the group. I also want to say that I have a 3 year old daughter that had the EIF. I was worried my whole pregnancy as my odds were super low (1/80). I was 38 years old when I had her. I have since come to learn that the white spot is nothing to be concerned about. It is so common that many doctors, groups, etc. have fought to get it off the list as a "marker" for downs. My daughter is beautiful and perfectly healthy in every way. The more posts you read, the better you will feel. I think the fb group will help too. Please try to enjoy your pregnancy. I know it's hard (I couldn't really do it) but try. All will be well.


1moremom - May 29

Hi- I'm a member of the fb group and if you send me your email address I will add a post to have the admin add you to the group. I also want to say that I have a 3 year old daughter that had the EIF. I was worried my whole pregnancy as my odds were super low (1/80). I was 38 years old when I had her. I have since come to learn that the white spot is nothing to be concerned about. It is so common that many doctors, groups, etc. have fought to get it off the list as a "marker" for downs. My daughter is beautiful and perfectly healthy in every way. The more posts you read, the better you will feel. I think the fb group will help too. Please try to enjoy your pregnancy. I know it's hard (I couldn't really do it) but try. All will be well.


Bettys - May 30

Hi I am also a member of the FB group, and it gives so much hope to read all the succes stories there and the support is amazing! You are also very welcome to send me your email address and I will contact the admins so that you can be invited. There have been several pregnant women in the last months in the FB group who got the new MaterniT21 test. Best wishes for you, Betty


EIFFears - May 30

Dear 1moremom and Bettys, Thank you both so much for your kind words and willingness to help me access the FB group! Is there a way to send you my email address without posting it? Thanks again!!


Bettys - May 30

Hi again You can find me at facebook and send me your email. My name is Betty Liv Andersen and my pics are a big belly in a black shirt. I think you can find my profile using these info :-)


EIFFears - May 30

Bettys, thank you! I actually just heard back from Stephanie so I'm on my way to the fb page. So looking forward to it and seeing you there!


1moremom - May 30

Glad you got on. I hope you ladies get some rea__surance and can enjoy your pregnancy! It is so special.


tbrown2010 - June 5

Could I please get an email to the facebook support group as well. An EIF was found on my baby girls heart on my 19 week US, it was isoated and everything else showed baby is good, my doctor told us not to worry about it at all and the report listed no further testing required but I am still so nervous. I am 25 and this is our second girl, we didnt do any blood testing or anything becasue I heard of all the false post_tives that you can get from it and now this shows up and has me worried sick anyways, I am wondering if I should ask for another US just in case but ours was a level 2 and nothing else was found, after reading all the posts I do feel a lot better but still cant get this out of my my mind, I just wanted to enjoy what may be our last pregnancy and now all I can do is worry about my little baby.


vidyavijay - June 27

Hi All, I had my Second trimester Ultrasound at 20th week. They found one white spot in the left ventricle of my baby.I am 35 years now and when i deliver the baby i will be 36 and 2 months.They only did First trimester screening and this ultrasound.My risk factor after the first trimester screening for DS was 1:340 which the Dr said normal for my age and now it is 1:200 after the EIF. They did only neural tube defect blood test for second trimester which came as normal.Dr said everything is ok, but i am tensed after hearing the risk factor.My Husband and I want my baby no matter what but sometimes i feel depressed. I dont know how i will pa__s the rest of my 19 weeks.


TwinMama2B - June 28

Hi vidyavijay - I was about the same as you.....35 going on 36, minimal screening during the first trimester, and then the EIF at the second trimester ultrasound. The only difference is I was pregnant with twins. My risk factor was rated at about 1:80. There was absolutely nothing I could or would do about the potential for DS in one baby, because anything - including an amnio - would have put both babies at risk. So - we opted to just go forward and let things be as they were meant to be. But - I was extremely depressed for the first few weeks after they found the EIF. I cried a lot, prayed a lot, worried a lot. After awhile, I stopped thinking about it all the time, but I can say that up until both my babies were born.....completely healthy by the way ..... I worried. I don't know what to tell you, other than to say I have yet to see one person on this forum post that they had a baby with an EIF and no other risk factors and the baby ended up having DS. Not one. Also - think of it this way (and I've put this out there before on this discussion group): You have a 1 in 200 chance that your baby has DS. Percentage wise, that's about a 0.5% chance. Which means, you have a 99.5% chance that everything will be okay. Those are pretty good odds! If I were a betting woman, I would put all my money .... and all my friends' money ... on your baby being absolutely fine. Hang in there. It's a tough time, and kind of unfair to deal with when you should be so happy and excited, but try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. Your baby is going to be just fine....I'm 99.5% sure. :)


vidyavijay - July 17

Thanks TwinMama2B for your support. I have joined the FB group and also given my MaterniT21 Blood test on July 3rd and still waiting for the result.


mommy711 - August 1

I seen on this forum that alot of you feel like your age has alot to do with the spot, I am 20 years old 33 weeks pregnant and was told at my 20 week u/s that my daughter had the spot on her heart. My dr also told me that even if the spot goes away the risk is still the same. I have not exactly enjoyed this pregnancy the way i did with my son. I just hope that my baby girl is healthy and perfect! Im due sept 21, and the wait is killing me! I dont like not knowing for sure if my baby is ok!


Concerned daddy - August 15

I realize this forum is intended for moms and moms to be, but I felt compelled to reply to this post. My wife relies on me, and plays off of my reactions to news regarding our pregnancy (mostly because she doesn't want to worry anymore than she already does). She is 27, I'm 28 (low risk). After a devastating miscarriage, by the grace of god we are now 20 weeks. We found out today that we are having a girl! The ultrasound tech congratulated us and said everything looked good! What a relief. Then, the doc came in and informed us that our baby girl has EIF (she acted as if it was a very serious concern). From the beginning, we opted out of all of the tests (as it wouldn't change our decision to have and love whatever god gives us). I have since read nearly every article regarding EIF, and am driving myself nuts. I know the risk is very low of any chromosomal abnormalities, but I still am bouncing off the walls (hiding my concerns from my wife so she doesn't worry herself crazy). Getting to the point, your post has provided me with more rea__surance than anything else I've read. Thank you. I vow now to stop pouring over every statistic and study, and let go. It's in gods hands. Again, thank you for your post. I will post our outcome. Any prayers are greatly appreciated. God bless you all (us dads get a break).


de_hugh - August 15

Hi there I know it's very difficult hearing such shocking news. I was once there and it was devastating and afraid. Please try not to worry and ensure you and your wife are enjoying the pregnancy. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Are you on Facebook? A wonderful support group was created especially for EIF situations like this that you both will find encouraging. You will be able to read all the positive stories. Thank you


lcr34 - August 15

I am not sure if your post was from one of my previous comments or on this forum as a whole, but it breaks my heart that you and your wife are so worried. My daughter is now 5 years old and healthy as can be ( albeit a bit sa__sy and a handful!). I worried every day of my pregnancy, and we too did not do a ultrasound because the results wouldn't have mattered. We were blessed to be having a baby, downs or not. Your baby girl is going to be perfect and healthy, please do not worry about it, these markers shouldn't even be linked to downs or another abnormality. ( they told me my chances were 1:100) . This forum is a constant reminder to me to be grateful for my daughter everyday, and I pray that everyone on here can find peace and enjoy the miracle thatis growing (PERFECTLY) inside of them.



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