35 Replies
HelloDolly - September 1

Hello and congrat to you COL!!! I was not at work for a couple weeks due to a knee injury. I missed the news!! I am so very happy for you and will keep you in prayers!! Want a really good laugh, try to think of a position that doesn't require you to bend your knees . . . I can't bend my right knee or even have it bumped right now. We only BD's once this month! I could do it again. It was so painful. I am hoping it heals a lot come O time next month. I was hillarious trying to find a positiont that would work. So needless to day, I really don't see our BFP this month. LOL


Lexyhere - October 26

Good afternoon ladies, Long time, no see. I understand why the threads might be changed (if they seem like they are getting too long) BUT, since I rarely access the internet at home and I'm busy at work, it was easier for me to click and post a response. When the thread moves, it takes a while longer and I figure I'll do it later and well, THAT never happens........ Anyways, hubby and I had taken a break from trying since we're getting our businesses sorted out/up and running and I leave my job to work from home on them full-time at the end of the year. So, we started trying again since my current insurance will cover me for the pregnancy ONLY, even after I leave and am no longer paying into it, as LONG as I get pregnant while employed here. So, we'll see how it goes. AF is due the day after my eep, 38th birthday in less than 2 weeks so, I'm HOPING for a birthday gift BUT, we must be getting old,hehe. We were BDing and it slowly went downhill through the month cuz we were so tired from the extra and I'm not sure how we did this month with the timing. *sigh* I'll be following along here and will keep you updated on any good news. Lexy


Lexyhere - November 5

Hey everyone, Checking back in to say I'm TRYING not to read too much into a few symptoms and my fingers are crossed for when I test on Monday. Anyone else close to testing?


Emefat - March 30

I am ttc my 4th child. I have 3 sons and me and dh are praying for a girl this time and l was 40 my last birthday and l know in my bones that l am not too old. Had my 3rd child a month to my 38th birthday. It is never too late if you trust in God and his miracles. We've been trying for 2 cycles and l know it will not be long for me to see the bfp.


mommie - June 8

Hi,and thank God that he blessed you to have your hearts desire.I'm glad I found this forum because my husband and I are also ttc. And I just turned 41yrs old. I'm on my first round of clomid 50mg I pray that this works for us the first time around. Because ivf, and egg donors are not an option for us. We are just going to keep believing that God will bless us with our little one. Has anyone had a successful pregnancy on their first round of clomid 50mg. I would love to hear your success stories if there are any. Well I pray that God bless us all with beautiful healthy babies.



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