When Does Back Pain Become A Concern

3 Replies
Laura - September 4

Hi, I'm 22 weeks pregnant. Yesterday when I was as work my back started to feel achy, so I made an appointment to go see my massage therapist today. This morning when I woke up, my back was SO achy I couldn't believe it. My entire lower back is a band of pain. It hurts to walk or move or do anything. I've read that back pain can be a sign of premature labour and I'm concerned, because my back suddenly got so painful just over night. Has anyone else had bad lower back pains and was told it was normal? I can't call my doctor because her office is closed today. Thanks


Tracy - August 31

yeah i have a sor back at thye momment but it could be anything from a urine infectin to kidney infection have you had any bleeding?


Laura - September 4

Yes I had bleeding for one day but that was a couple weeks ago. The back pain has subsided so I guess it was just normal pregnancy pains. Going for a ma__sage helped a lot. It really freaked me out for a while though. I've been getting so many weird pains this pregnancy that I didn't have with my last one!


Angela - September 15

I am nearly 24 weeks and my back has really started to ache. I fell off my horse a couple of years ago, and think that may be making it worse. But I think that with the shape of your body changing and extra weight on your tummy it is natural for most to get a bit of back ache. I was told swimming is a good for backs.



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