How Similar Symptoms Of Pregnancy And PCOS Are

20 Replies
Tania - June 2

Kellie thank you so much and congratulations to you!!! Louise, I have somewhat the same situation my FSH and LH ratio is 3:1 which is abnormal, but the key hormone DHEA-S and testosterone are normal...My pg symptoms are flactuating from time to time and I am not sure what s happening to me anymore. I got prescribed BC pill like Zovia but I am scared to take them since I don't know what is exactly wrong with me...


kim - June 2

I was never diagnosed with this, but had a Dr. suspect it when I had no periods.(couldn't afford testing) I have a hormonal imbalance as well and yes, the symptoms of PCOS and pregnancy are different, the hormone imbalance of PCOS and pregnancy can make you have sore bbs, weight gain, acne, moodiness, and headaches all which are a__sociated with pregnancy.


BAL - June 11

Thank god I found this post. I am going to a similiar problem. I read that alot of the signs were almost similiar. In my case it happen all of a sudden and do not have history of cyst or tumors in my family. At first I thought I was pregnant after having s_x with my bf. We just got together in September of last year and by Dec. I was having problems with my period,nausea,swollen stomach,swollen b___st(normal pregnancy symptoms alot of them), but all negative tests. Sorry it did not all happen in DEC. I gradually started growing out of my clothes from about JAN. until now. So this is the only thing I can think of I have. After 2 months of the doctors not detecting a cyst or tumor. They try to claim I have one. I will have to see on Monday. The kicking is what confusing I would be 7 months now and been getting more and stronger kicking movement. Some of the kicks hurt. I am very confused.


Lale - August 17

I was diagnosed with pcos for many years. I thought it was difficult to get pregnant with it, but I got pregnant in just one month after I quit my pill! I have four month old baby girl now.


Jazzieie - February 7

I am TTC but was diagnosed PCOS in Jan 2017. I had been having irregular menses since 13 and was on BC pills but was not told that was due to PCOS. Currently, i missed my period for 2 months and having morning sickness n breast sore. I dare not test bcos i m afraid to see negative. I am not on any medication and my gynae appt is in early mar.



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