Implantation Bleeding Or Period?

5 Replies
bbbbbbbb - July 16

how can you spot the difference? 


Grandpa Viv - July 16

bb, implantation is most often characterized as spotting and may not be noticed at all. It occurs as much as a week before the expected period and may be accompanied by some other early pregnancy signs such as wierd cramps, feelings of nausea and unusual fatigue.


bbbbbbbb - July 17

i started of what i thought was implantation spotting yesterday, but this morning i woke up to what looked like a period, it was a lot heavier and had some blood clots. 


Grandpa Viv - July 17

Sometimes a miscarriage can be so early it is confused with a period. Might this be the case here?


bbbbbbbb - July 18

when this first started on the 16th, (tmi) it was dark browns and red light, but when i woke up on the 17th, its was very heavy with big blood clots and looked like a period. and as the day went on it got lighter, but was still red. and i've been cramping all day, not too bad but has made me uncomfortable. could that possibly be an early miscarriage if i am pregnant? 


ConcieveNachieve - July 18

I think so. Early miscarriage is called chemical pregnancy and it happens so fast some women never even knew they where pregnant because they waited for a Missed period to test. If you're ttc my prayers are to you hope it happens for you.



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