Need Advice

2 Replies
DD_87 - November 18

I had my tubes tied 4 1/2 years ago and my period have always been regular every month which last a total of 7 days. Well, in october and this month my period was short of 2 1/2 days and i dont why. I had symptoms like nausea, headaches and heaviness of the breast and tingling nipples and sensitive. And now its been a few days that nothing.  My LMP was sept 24.  Could i be pregnant or something else. Please help. I have no medical insurance and if i did i would go to the doctor. I need help. Thank you for taking your time in reading my post.  


Grandpa Viv - November 19

It's pretty unlikely that you are pregnant. Run a home test to prove it. An ovarian cyst is a possibility and that could go away by itself. If you are lucky enough to have Planned Parenthood nearby they would perhaps take a look at a reasonable charge.


MyLoveMuffin - November 21

My Man and I are trying to have a baby. The month before last my cycle was late by a couple days (I figured this was because I have been hanging out with a new female friend and when that happens your cycles tend to align) The following month my cycle was early and was lighter then usual. This month it's even earlier (5 days earlier than usual) it was heavy for two 1/2 days and now it's brown and very light. I've been having some shooting pains in my right and sometimes left sides with some breast tenderness. My cycle was set to begin in a couple days on Nov 22nd. Any advise you have would be great. My cycle tends to stay the same from month to month starting on the 26th. Now I went from the 26th, to the 22nd to the 17th in three months ????



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