What Does Conceived Mean Help ASAP Thankss

67 Replies
C.a1x - November 9

Hiya if my cycle is every 23 days would that still give me june the 9th as a conception date and would i of caughr around the same time


Grandpa Viv - November 10

A short cycle like that means you ovulate earlier than cycle day 14, as early as cycle day 9 or 10. Bazinga! You had unprotected sex on ovulation day - not surprising you got pregnant. Not surprising you were on your period 14 days earlier.


C.a1x - November 17

I dint understand so would i of caught from the 31st of may when i had intercourse of after that time as i was on my peroid my conception date is june the 9th and my due date is march the 1st which means i could of caught pregnant from the 4th to the 9th so would i have to hace sex from the 4th to the 9th or could the sperm from the 31st fertalized me?


Grandpa Viv - November 17

You originally said you had sex May 30th and then had a period. The period says you did not get pregnant from May 30th sex.

You then had sex after that period and tested positive June 24th. On a 23 day cycle you would have ovulated June 9th. The ultrasound said you conceived june 9th. You had sex in the several days before June 9th. Sperm from that sex fertilized the egg. That is when you got pregnant.


C.a1x - November 18

So the sperm reached my egg june the 9th that was when i was classed as pregnant and i kno i said june the 30th but remebereed it was past midnight so it was early hours on the 31st of may then i started my peroid in thr afternoon that day. I would of basically caught anytime from the 4th to the 9th am i right? And thankyou youve really helped me


Seleste_Contreras - January 29

I need help.. I am 13 weeks pregnant my LMP was October 29, 2015. I had sex with a guy i thought i trusted on November 6th we used protection but I didnt know he poked holes in the condom until after... I then had sex with my husband on the 12 of November. I have a heart feeling the baby is my husbands. Can some please help me?


ShannonLovesLee - January 29

It all depends on when you ovulated. How long are your cycles?


Seleste_Contreras - January 29

They are 28 days. I am due August the 4th


ShannonLovesLee - January 29

When was your last period Seleste?


Grandpa Viv - January 29

Seleste, Nov 12th was probably your ovulation date. Sperm from Nov 6th was not likely to last that long, while your husband was right on the money.


Seleste_Contreras - January 30

ShannonLovesLee - The 29th of October.

GrandpaViv - So my baby is my husbands? 


Seleste_Contreras - January 31

I forgot to mention that my periods were not coming the same day every month for about three months. In July it came the 23-27. In August it came 21-25. In September it came 26-30. My last period was in October 29-November 2. I dont know if that has anything do with my situation or not just thought i would throw it out there. I am really worried because i don't know what to do and the guy wont leave me alone about it. 


Grandpa Viv - January 31

Seleste, tell the guy that his sperm would not have lasted until your ovulation day and he is an untrustworthy jerk for poking holes (is that something you discovered there and then, or is that a story he made up when he found you were pregnant?). If you want you can offer to run a DNA test at his expense after the baby is born.


Seleste_Contreras - January 31

How would i know when my ovulation day was since my periods have been irregular? It was something i found out right then and there but i didnt think to much of it since i have been trying for two years and nothing. I have and he said i have to pay for he will take me to court and take my child away from me. 


Seleste_Contreras - February 1

I just got back form the doctor with my ultrasound pictures. Someone told me i could know the day I conceived when i got my frist ultrasound. How can i figure that out? 


Grandpa Viv - February 1

Seleste, your first ultrasound gave a due date of Aug 4th. Working back 40 weeks we get an LMP of Oct 30th, within one day of your recorded Oct 29th period. All ultrasound dates assume you ovulated on cycle day 14 or Nov 13th.  Sperm from Nov 6th would not have lasted that long, but Nov 12th was perfectly timed.

I am confident your husband is the father. Forget about DNA testing unless you want to 'fess up to your husband and have him tested. The jerk needs to get lost, trying to get you pregnant on the sly and then threatening to take the child. There is no court that would let him do that unless you have a record that proves you are an unfit mother.




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