Diane 35 And Metformin

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vmvm_21@yahoo.com - December 1

Hello! I need your help ???? I know this website is more on pregnancy but I'm not pregnant. I'm just here to seek your help or if there are any doctors of ob gyn here to answer my qusetion. I'm 18y/o and have a PCOS (polycystic ovaries) and my docor advised me to take diane 35 and metformin for 6 months. In Diane 35, it has a 7 days of rest which means I will not take those pills for 7 days. I forgot to ask my doctor if I should also stop taking metformin for 7 days since diane has a 7 days of rest or should I still continue taking the metformin with no rests? *Sorry I'm not fluent in english ????



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