Weird Fetal Movements

74 Replies
Katie - May 12

Sounds like your baby haws hiccups!! This is very common and isn't harming to the baby. My first son had them ALL the time. HTH


Lynn - May 12

I'm 32 weeks pregnant & experienced the same thing, like you I am also very paranoid! Mine just started recently... my doctor's appointment will not be until the next 3 weeks - I can't wait what she says... i will let you know... I'm glad that most of the Moms that replied stated this is normal!


ellkayess - May 12

I have heard that the baby can get hiccups in the womb as he or she is practicing breathing


CARLA - May 27

oh my gosh!! that happened to me last night!! i started getting worried. i had pulsating movements that started on the lower right side of my stomach then it continued little by little til it ended on the lower left side of my was too fast to be hiccups though....maybe it was the heart beat?? i dont know!! this is my first baby and im 26 weeks


ashley - June 21

its probably just hicupps, they get them too.


amanda - June 21

i am 31 weeks and just recently i have noticed these pulsating movements right in my pelvic area


amanda - June 21

i am 31 weeks and just recently i have noticed these pulsating movements right in my pelvic area and my baby is head down, so im thinking its i dont think we should be that frantic over it. Good Luck to all!


karrie - June 23

don't worry your baby just has the hiccups it's normal I experience them all of the time


Helen - June 26

I am 35 weeks pregnant and had been feeling those (hiccups) for some time and one night it went on for about 30 minutes and at the same time I was leaking colostrum out of both nipples, I freaked out and called the doctor the next morning, she said it is a very good sign and that the babys central nervous system was developing properly. She said not to be worried and to enjoy it.


eimear - July 9

It's 12:00 and we went to bed about an hour ago when I started feeling those movements. Got so freaked I had to get up and log on. So relieved. Just been jumping about and thought I had done some serious damage. Fingers crossed it's hiccups. It's just they come so close together. My baby is head down too and I've been 4cm dilated since 35 weeks as a result of a UTI. 37 weeks now so maybe it'll bring things along


krc - July 9

I asked tis same question a few weeks ago !! I too was freaked out. I am now 36w5days. My little man get hiccups that seem so strong I feel sorry for him, and sometimes I think he is having a seizure !! Pretty scary and helpless feeling we feel when they do that but I guess it's normal.


charliepaulchloe - July 10

im only 25 wks but i have been feeling the 'spasms' for a few wks now but only when i sneeze, i suffer bad with hayfever but cant take anything so its kinda strange feeling this. im very anxious with this pregnancy and take alot of notice of movements, these spasms actually help me to know that all is well and she is still wriggling about. good luck with ur pregnancies wish i was that close to having my little one lol.


lunamoo - January 5

Sorry to reopen an old thread...but this was the exact question I have been having! I KNOW the movements are not hiccups because I had that with my first. These movements are definately like spasms or seizures. I am 29 weeks and have felt them for the past 3 weeks or so. They last about 3-5 seconds maybe 3 times then go away and turn into normal kicks and punches. Anyone else experience this?


newbabyras - January 5

lunamoo - I have the same thing. I know they're not hiccups, because the baby has those too, and they're very different. I always think the baby is having a seizure - it feels exactly like you think a seizure would...really fast, quivery movements. I get them at least once a day, but the baby always moves normally for the rest of the day. I'm 29 weeks too, and have felt them for the last week or so.


surfergirl602 - January 5



lunamoo - January 6

Hi newbabyras! always good to hear one is not alone. I spoke with the hospital and my midwife yesterday and they said that it is most likely to be me and not the baby. That it could be a vessel or perhaps a mini superficial muscle spasm. I know it is not hiccups. I would be curious to hear what your doc or midwlfe says. I haven't felt them in 2 days now, but my baby is super active for long periods of time. Where do you live? xx



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