Lyme Disease

6 Replies
babybradley - June 13

Hey ladies... Just wanted to remind you all to check your little ones after they have been outside for ticks of all sizes!!! Including thier Private areas... My 7 year old brother had a tiny tick in that area and couldnt get the head out, rest assure my mom was able to get it out... Also to mention someone in my family came down with lyme disease here recently.... He also found a tiny tick in his private area. He didnt think anything about it until a few days later he couldnt move his arms... They rushed him to the hospital and found it was lyme disease.... Thank god he was an adult... If he had been younger and little it would have hit him harder.... So please check your young ones, older ones and even yourselfs dont want noone sick!!!


olivia - June 13

Thanks! I had Lyme disease and it was not fun! My dd had a deer tick last summer. The doctor said it had to be attached 48-72 hours before it would transmit the diseases. So bathe them daily in the summer months and check them over, these ticks are TINY and easy to miss. They are about the size of your smallest freckle. And not everyone gets a rash with Lyme Disease so if in doubt get it checked out!


MJM - June 17

My godmother has lyme disease and has had it for years/ or at least has effected her for years. If you go camping bring a potty chair with you. My neice went potty in the woods when they went camping and yep you guessed it she got a tick where no girl/woman would want one. Everytime we go camping I bring the potty chair. My daughter is six and my son is 17 months. Yes a 6 yr old is a little old to go on a potty chair but not when you are camping in the woods with no bathroom.


CyndiG - June 18

My dh has a client who is a "nature nugget" :O} and she said that on years that there are an abundance of acorns, that causes alot of chipmunks to be present. The chipmunks carry lyme disease, the ticks bite them and then are infected. Just an interesting little tid bit. :O}


babybradley - June 18

Wow CyndiG that is very interesting... I would have never known that!!! MJM ... I never even thought of bring a potty chair when camping in the woods but I will remeber that next time... I have heard that the effects cna last for years and I dont want no babies or children to get that!!!!


olivia - June 18

Hi Ladies, Just to give you some added info, the ticks can crawl to the private areas from your leg, they like warm damp places and seek them out. So though a potty chair is a good idea, it does not protect against lyme disease. The only real protection is deet to repel the ticks, showering after being outside, and hiking with socks over pant legs plus wearing light colored clothes so you can see the ticks on your clothes to remove them. Having Lyme was not fun, and i can't imagine if my kids ever get it how I will feel. But I had it and had NOT been camping, hiking, or even outside much at that time. Deer ticks may be carried on chipmunks, but they are also on mice, deer, tall gra__s, short gra__s, your dogs, cats.. basically anywhere. If you are in an area with high incidence of Lyme be careful and take some precautions. My sister found one on her dd's labia, and she had never been nude outside. They just find a nice warm dark place to settle in for a meal!


Kara H. - June 18

Also don't p__s around with trying to get it to unattach before removing. Just grab it the tick, flip it over and yank it out. Its not a big deal if the head stays in the skin. The body will force it out like a splinter. What you do not want to do is stress the tick before you remove it buy trying to get it to unlatch. The ticks "saliva" in stored in its belly with all the blood it has sucked. If the tick gets stressed it will regurgetate all of its stomach contents back into its victim. My doctor wouldn't name names but said that almost any blood born disease could be spread by ticks. So just flip 'em and yank 'em - to hell with the head!



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