Clomid Success Stories Taken On 3 7 Of Cycle

1393 Replies
mossy - September 10

Hi ladies I'm new here.


mossy - September 10

Hi how did it go with you any news yet..Imquban


Imquban - September 10


so far nothing. Just had a HSG test done and everything is clear. so waiting for the big O this month which is late because my Cycle started late. 


Imquban - September 10



dominique19872 - November 14

Hi I amon my 2nd round of clomid 50mg. Last month I ovulated on CD16 (Clearblue advanced ovulation digital test). I did not have much sex around the time I was supposed to. This month I will make sureI baby dance as much as possible. I have not gotten a positive OPK yet for this cycle.


Valdes53 - December 18

Dont know how old this post is but i have taken clomid days 5-9 and days 3-7 i have only conceived with days 3-7 never with 5-9 . My dr gives now 100mg days 5-9 but i will not take it 5-9 i know my body mlre than he does so i i go over him and take it 3-7 i have conceived 3 times with 3-7 never 5-9. 


Valdes53 - December 18

Preseed seed is the most sperm friendly lubricant in sorts. When your body dont produce much egg white cm this is very good for that. I have used it and i think it aid in me having my son.  


mytime00 - December 18

Hi ladies! do we have any recent sucess stories?


mytime00 - December 18

Yes preseed is amazing!


mytime00 - December 18

Im sorry im late responding but that must have been awful. Im so sorry you had to experience that.


Valdes53 - December 18

Currently on high fertility day took clomid days 3-7 so we are currently on the bd stage. Waiting for my monitor to say peak fertility and praying for a BFP this cycle


mytime00 - December 19

Great! im not trying yetikm just going to start my supplements for about 2 months then try for twins!



Jazz_hopeful - July 20

Hi ladies, this is my first cycle of clomid. Had laproscopy for endometriosis inApril.  Got periods on 4th July and had clomid 3-7 days. Last dose was on 10th July. Went for follicle scan on 13 th July ( friday) . Two dominant follicles. Doctor advised to try for baby on Friday, Sunday and Tuesday. Did fort opk on Monday - negative and again negative on Tuesday and Wednesday. Not sure if i ovulated. If yes was it on Sunday? Or the readings were false? Had real bad cramps on bith sides and in back on Wednesday. Not sure what’s happening l! Wait is killing 



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