Did Diet Help Twins Conception?

1 Replies
hope4037 - January 2

I just turned 40 and i'm hoping to have a baby this year. I have only had one sexual partner, my husband, and I don't have any serious health issues. We are hoping to finally marry in two months.

I'm currently 5'4 and 118 pound and have been a healthy eater. The only issue i have is an underactivive thyroid which balances itself with medication. My doc told me i would need to take it for the entire 9 moths of pregnancy.

I'm curious about eating healthy and how that would help assist with achieving conception quickly. I was alsways concerned about my fertility - i have been taking folic acid/b complex vitamins for about 10 yrs. I also take vitamin d as well. I see that i still ovulate and feel 'wet' every month, a sign i'm taking that all is well down there. I have been reading a lot about getting pregnant at my age and i hope it happens quickly, but I'm curious as to is any one on this board achieved a twin pregnancy from diet alone. I guess I'm blessed with a decent body (no weight issues) and all i eat really is full-fat, whole milk, dairy, nuts, avocados like crazy, meats 2 a week, and lentils and beans 2x a week as well. My fruit in-take is only by smoothies i make myself, adding hemp seeds and wheatgerm every day.

Anyone had any luck with diet? A baby is all i'm praying for, but twini pregnancy would be an amazing (yet very rough) experience I really would hope to endure. I didnt expect to be a mother this late but i always wanted children - I just had to wait for them I guess!

Any truthful insight is appreciated! Thank you.


Afandi - September 28

Hi, dear,
I just want to encourage you to continue TTC. I believe at 40 you can still conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.  I have gone through your diet, and I can assure you that I really admire the effort you put in to ensure that you eat a well-balanced diet that favors conception. However, I don’t think the diet alone will help you conceive twins. You see to conceive twins; the body must release at least two mature eggs at a go. This is not possible by the mere fact that you are eating a well-balanced diet. Typically, every month one egg will start maturing in the follicle. Once the eggs start dominating, it sends signals to the body through a hormone it releases into the bloodstream, which tells the body to decrease egg stimulating hormones. This way one egg is allowed to mature every month, and if it meets the sperm in the fallopian tube, it is likely to get fertilized.  So I would recommend that you combine your healthy diet with Clomid.  Clomid tricks the body that there is no egg maturing, so the body releases a more stimulating hormone which in turn helps another egg to mature. This way you increase your chances of twins. 



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