Getting Pregnant

Have a question about getting pregnant? Concerned about your chances of getting pregnant? Pregnancy-Info has everything you need to know about improving your chances of conceiving.  Learn more about the best times for trying to conceive, how to know when you are ovulating and what to do to prepare your body for pregnancy before you even start trying for a baby.  Also find out more about the many signs and symptoms of pregnancy so that you will know how to recognize that you might be carrying a baby.

Preparing for pregnancy

If you and your partner have been experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, our trying to get pregnant section provides tips on improving your chances of conception, including information on fertility supplements, how your diet can be affecting fertility, as well as recommended products that can help you conceive.

Of course, there are many tools you can use to improve your chances of conceiving. We have information on how to calculate ovulation as well as how to figure out your basal body temperature (BBT), both of which can help you determine when you’re most fertile.  Also learn more about cervical mucus and what it can tell you about ovulation and read up on ovulation test kits that you can use at home.

Pregnancy preparation is also essential to improving your chances of getting pregnant. Ensuring that you and your partner are prepared physically and financially for the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood are essential.  Learn more about the importance of taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins even before you become pregnant.

Signs Of Pregnancy

Think you may be pregnant? Check out our Am I pregnant? section and learn about common pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, a missed period, morning sickness, tiredness, and food cravings. Here, you can also calculate your due date and check out fun old wives tales to try to determine your baby’s sex.  Find out different tricks women do to try and determine if they are carrying a boy or a girl.  

Of course, proper preconception care is essential to both you and your baby’s health. Learn about how to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy and what factors to avoid.  Find out about what food and drinks are no, nos during pregnancy and learn more about what foods are essential for staying healthy during pregnancy.

Finally, adoption can be an exciting and incredibly rewarding alternative to pregnancy. Learn about the adoption process and how to prepare yourself for this unique journey in our adoption section.  Learn more about types of adoption and about how to prepare yourself mentally for this new addition to your family.





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My husband and I are trying to conceive. I had been on the depo shot for 7 years after the birth of our first child and then stopped using this. I started having regular periods again. Then in May of 2011 I went back on it, but didn't go back for a second shot. I then again started having periods regularly. My last period was on Dec. 27th and they usually last for 5 days. This one went like this I bled on the 27th and 28th, stopped on the 29th, and then started bleeding again on the 30th and 31st. I had sex on Jan. 1st, 4th, and 6th taking that my ovulation day should have been around the 8th, I am having all the symptoms but I am scared of taking a home test due to getting a negative result. What should I do?
12 years ago
hey im new here but i thought yall might could help me. i had a tubel reversal ten months ago and im still trying to get pregnant its taking forever ugh. my period was jan 1 and its been two weeks i have been hurting in my lower stomach and having back pain could i be pregnant the doc said if i didnt have my period he was going to do the dye test next month does that help any? i need help i really want a baby and its really depressing me....
12 years ago
i had been on the depo shot for 4yrs and i never bled. i got a shot in Jan 2011, and started bleeding in June 2011,i bled until Jan Nov. 2011 i was told that my estrogen level was low, so i was put on the pill. The dr stopped the pill b/c i bled heavier. now i take nothing....I stopped bleeding the day before my bday (jan.11,2012), and had sex the night of my it possible for me to get pregnant????
12 years ago
I am on my third round of clomid and getting frustrated that it's not working. I started with 50 mg then 100 mg, and today im starting again 100 mg days 5-9. Praying it works this time! Does anyone have experience with clomid that it took a few trys to work? Any advice?
12 years ago
i have a question?i was on depo for 14 yrs and mirena for 2 had it removed in october got my period the norm seemed to be 5 days then done.I was away with my man dec 30th to the 3rd of jan... got my period 1 day early and had it for 6 days the 7th day went thru 2 tampons in a 24 hour period today is the 8th day still not as heavy as norm question is is this implantion bleeding? pregnancy tests have been neg
12 years ago