SPD -A Specific Joint Pain

SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) is pelvic joint pain that occurs in about one in 35 women during pregnancy.

Pregnant women secrete a hormone called relaxin which does basically what its name implies. It softens the joints of the pelvis in order to prepare for the birth of the baby.

When this hormone is excessively produced, it causes the ligaments and joints to soften and stretch too much.The symphysis pubis is the joining spot for the four bones of the pelvis.

Normally there is a gap of 4-5mm between the pubic points. This gap widens to about 6-8mm during pregnancy. If the gap is greater due to stretching too far, then pain occurs.

Low back and hip pain, discomfort and pain in the groin area, and difficulty walking, taking stairs, and even moving, are all signals of SPD.

Left Side Pelvic Pain...

As the uterus expands with the growing baby, the ligaments and muscles in the pelvis get a real workout. They have to stretch and increase in size in order to support and carry the load of a baby, placenta, and the amniotic fluid that fills the sac.

Round ligament pain is perhaps one of the most common causes of pelvic pain in pregnancy. It begins early in the pregnancy-occurring randomly-and can carry on throughout. Sneezing, laughing, or moving suddenly can end up in a stabbing pain, usually on the left side of the pelvis.

...Or Right Side Pelvic Pain

Right side pelvic pain or pelvic pressure can be an indication of something relatively simple, like ligament or muscle pain, constipation, or trapped wind.

Both pain and pressure can be attributed to the growth of the uterus pressing against various abdominal walls and nerves with the pelvis. But, sometimes pelvic pain and pressure can be an indication of something more serious.

It Could Be Something Very Serious

Early pregnancy pelvic pain can signal an oncoming miscarriage or an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Pain in the later part of the pregnancy may indicate pre-eclampsia or a separating placenta.

Pain or discomfort when urinating, low side and back pain accompanied by fever and chills that occurs any time during the pregnancy can mean a urinary tract infection. Any of these situations require medical aid.

Regardless what type of pain is occurring, if it is causing worry and anxiety, the best plan of action is to consult with the doctor, midwife, or the hospital maternity unit immediately.

Table of Contents
1. Pelvic Pain
2. Take pain seriously
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