Pregnancy Problems

While every pregnant woman wishes for a healthy and full pregnancy, the reality is that in many cases pregnancy problems do arise. These complications can range from mild to severe, including general health concerns as well as those specific to pregnancy, and may result in pregnancy loss.  Learn more about the types of problems that may arise during pregnancy and about what you can do to minimize your risk for any pregnancy complications.  Also find out about what to do incase of a pregnancy emergency and about how to keep yourself as healthy as possible during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Risk Factors

Luckily, there are some pregnancy risks factors that women can avoid in order to increase the chances of having a healthy pregnancy and child. Indeed, exposure to toxins such as cigarettes and alcohol is likely to affect both the mother as well as the baby's health, the consequences of which may have lasting effects in the future.  There are also certain foods to avoid when pregnant to ensure a healthy and safe delivery of your baby. Ultrasounds and blood tests during pregnancy can also help to keep an eye on your baby's development and watch for any signs of pregnancy complications.  Many complications can be handled early on before they develop into serious problems for you or your baby.  Be sure to have regular check ups with your doctor throughout your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Complications

Even if a mother avoids exposure to potentially dangerous substances, other unexpected pregnancy complications

may arise. Knowing some of the signs and symptoms of these pregnancy concerns can help ensure early diagnosis and treatment of these potentially harmful conditions.  Also, be sure to get regular check ups during your pregnancy so that your doctor can watch for signs of common pregnancy complications like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or a low birth weight baby.

Pregnancy complications not only affect the mother's health but may impact the health of her child. Our complications with baby section provides a useful guide for parents concerned with medical conditions that may affect their newborn baby.  Learn more about how to keep your baby safe.

STDS and Pregnancy

Sexually transmitted diseases pose unique concerns during pregnancy, since these may affect an unborn child or be transmitted from mother to baby during birth. Find out about treatment options and health precautions that women can take when it comes to STDs and pregnancy.  Also learn more about which STDs are most dangerous for newborn babies and about what to do if you contract one of these STDs prior to or during pregnancy.  There are treatments that can be given to protect your baby.  Find out more today.

Complications can be quite unexpected during pregnancy and can happen to anyone at any point, it is a doctors job to spot these as early as possible and deal with them quickly and as best they can. 

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Im 6 weeks two days pregnant and had horrible cramps, excessive bright red blood coming out from my vagina, and two huge blood clots that came out of me,. I obviously went to the hospital and they ran the blood test and ultrasound and the doctor said I had a threatened miscarriage,but the baby was ok and everything was fine so I was sent home on bed rest, but I'm extremely nervous because after the cramping stoppef I continued bleeding and one last blood clot came out.. What is going on? I'm terrified
12 years ago
I found out I was pregnant and was told I was 6 weeks sometime went by and I went for another check up and was 8 weeks from the Health Department then I went to the ER and they said I was 5 weeks... I have been experiencing some cramping that is quite painful but doesnt make me double over and some light to moderate bleeding with some clotting... I went back to the ER and they said its likely I was miscarrying but it couldn't be guaranteed.. they said the babies heartbeat was low at only 91 but I am not sure what to think or who to believe.. they seem to kinda be just blowing it off. I have an appointment with my OB on April 4th.. but I am going crazy.. can anyone give me a piece of mind??
12 years ago
I am 25 yrs old about to turn 26 in about a week or two and I' m on my second round of Clomiphene 100mg. well i have been off it for about three days now and still have not ovulated, getting kinda worried that something might be wrong with me. My fiance has four other kids so i know he isn't the problem. I found this site and was possibly looking for a few answers or just someone to talk to about it, because all my fiance says is "the doctor will figure it out." and that's don't make me feel much better.....
12 years ago
Abby1 you need to keep going back to your doctor! if there is something wrong you might need to go to hospital to get the sac removed as sometimes they are known to stay inside and rot away. If you cant get a straight answer from your doctor you may have to seek out a midwife for help on the issue as they can get help faster and have so much knowledge. But you need to get onto this as soon as possible! Im really sorry that you have to go through this. Its an expecting mother's worst nightmare and not something you should deal with on your own. Are you close to your mum or have a best friend you can trust? talk to them and see if they can go to the doctors with you for support.
12 years ago
Hello well I was wondering if there's anyone out here who can help me out.about a month ago I went to a hospital I was haveing really bad pain in my tummy.a week be fore I went to the doctor I took home pregnancy test came out positive so I waited there they took my first u/s I was only 5 weeks.the did me a vaginal u/s to take a better later doctor came in explain to me I had an empty sac.that in 2three days I was going to start bleeding more than a regular that's all and I went home still had pain like 1week later no bleeding I was con fussed I went to 4different dotocor the did me a test all came out last doctor did me an u/s they told me I had to many gases couldn't clearly see it they saw the sac but no baby the told me to go back in two days to get blood test I didn't go no more I was 6months now I'm 8 weeks I haven't gone to the doctor an check up idk if I'm doin wrong I haven't gotten my period I had different answers from each doctor I went to I'm just scared to find out what's going on is it possible for there to be a baby in the sac??help please
12 years ago